smoking dxm?

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by Jack_Straw2208, Aug 30, 2005.

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  1. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    ok, i was sitting around one day, and i thought, "what if you could smoke dxm?" how conveniant (sp) it would be just to be able to sprinkle some on top of your grass or in a cigarette or whatever...

    i dont think i've seen anything about it on the internet... i dont know anything about chemistry though, so its probably something technical.. but if you can cocaine into a smokeable form, why not DXM?
  2. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    because cocaine and dxm are entirely different substances with almost no comparable qualities as far as i know. not every chemical can be smoked. for example, LSD is completely destroyed by temperatures lower than would require a flame to create. i don't know for absolute fact that it CANNOT be smoked, but everything i've read has said that DXM is destroyed at these temperatures. besides, the cocaine you use for insufflation is Cocaine HCl, whereas the cocaine you smoke is Cocaine freebase, or a very impure form of the freebase. not exactly the same substances, just really damn close. different drug, different preferred route of administration, different effect.
  3. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    Cook that shit up in a spoon with some baking soda man, rofl...
  4. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    ok, yeah, i was kinda washed out when i wrote that... but yeah, i'll get my hands on some pure dxm and rock that shit up and tell you how it went.....
  5. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    ......are you fucking kidding me? you were out of it when you wrote the FIRST post? how dense are you?
  6. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    they allready said it wouldnt work. i was kidding.
  7. ssj3gotenks

    ssj3gotenks Member

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    I've been around heavy hard drug users forever and not once have i heard of smoking dxm. I have heard of swallowing mass quantities of it but certainly not smoking it. Here's so simple advice, stick with the dank - you can't go wrong with dank
  8. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    until anyone has numerical data (this is chemistry, not layman's gardening) for the boiling points and vapourising points of dxm, you are all idiots for making judgement at all.

    several chemical-information databases i checked have no info regarding these properties (despite having teh chemical in the database) so i would like to see where the info does reside on the internet, myself
  9. Jack_Straw2208

    Jack_Straw2208 Senior Member

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    what a dick..
  10. seancourt

    seancourt Free Your Mind

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    i can't even believe how stupid you could be to try to smoke dxm, just fucking swallow it...
  11. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    thanks, what is the mp and bp?
  12. orbital_forest

    orbital_forest Member

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    please dont do this,another message board i post at had this same topic and some very knowledgeable folks said that smoking dxm could release TOXIC GASES!!!!!! please be careful guys
  13. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    ok, thats great that you think this. youre just skipping around the fire with the whole 'decomposition' occurs. we know thc can stand temperatures higher than 200 degrees. at the same time we also know it degrades when it is smoked. but people still get high from it. DXM can be obtained in large quantities. therefor even if half the dxm was degraded, it would still be feasable to smoke, if possible.

    so, what actual data can you give to say why you can or cant smoke dxm? what chemicals does it degrade into? whats their poisonousness? whats the level of degredation at certain temperatures?

    i dont support a kid going and putting some dxm on the flame but if you dont know teh answer, dont flaunt around like you do.

    and i supose youll reply with some cocky ass 'haha im laughing so hard im bleeding out my arse, listen i know my shit and you dont, in fact, i know about this stuff more than anyon else on this board, and ive tested everything and i know whats gonna happen and your all idiots; i dont need data to be able to tell whats gonna happen, i use my woman's intuition and own, incredibly diverse experience, to predict the precise result of making hypothetical processes to chemicals in practical situations'
  14. oOflyeyesOo

    oOflyeyesOo Member

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    Haha I have friends who have put this on people's weed before, funny shit.
  15. Skratch

    Skratch Member

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    what the hell do people get so mad for?
    Your insulting people on a forum?
    chill out

    your 31 and someone who is 17 dosent have to cuss every second to get his point across and you tell him to grow the fuck up?

    ha ha you sound like your 15 with all that "you dipshit" crap
  16. Skratch

    Skratch Member

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    Oh yea I forgot what this thread wuz about.

    Fuck no dont ever smoke that shit, thats sick and retarded just pop it.
  17. Skratch

    Skratch Member

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    to MM:
    Yea people suck, and I wasnt tryin to disrespect you I just thought it was funny to see a adult cussin out a teen when its usually the other way around.
  18. MisterProg777

    MisterProg777 Member

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    Smoking DXM:
    Dextromethorphan reacts with oxygen at room temperature, though not at any appreciable rate. However, at 395-397 Kelvin, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide's melting point, this changes and Dextromethorphan reacts with oxygen to produce some very toxic chemicals. Free ("freebase") Dextromethorphan will also react with oxygen at its melting point. Anyone attempting to smoke Dextromethorphan in the presence of oxygen under normal atmospheric conditions will only end up inhaling nasty compounds such as nitric oxide and the organic products of combustion. This information is easily verified by looking at a Material Safety Data Sheet for this substance. Dextromethorphan reacts rapidly with oxygen at temperatures above 360 Kelvin. It is in everyone's best interest to know that Dextromethorphan is not "smokeable".

    the word "cuss".. I hate it. Even when Im stoned.
  19. Hesh

    Hesh Member

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    haha wow man. u bumped an ooooooooooold thread. :) 2005. i guess that makes me an accomplice now.
  20. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    :troll: You cant smoke dxm, you dooshbags, basically burning off dxm releases hydrocarbon that can only make you dizzy not high, know the difference.
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