smoke in my room

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by zacky_gt, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. zacky_gt

    zacky_gt Member

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    What are dryer sheets?
    sorry not american, i live in the netherlands
  2. PhluffHead 4

    PhluffHead 4 Member

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    Fabric softener sheets. Stuff 3-4 in a toilet paper or paper towel roll, this is the best way to not get caught in my opinion.
  3. zacky_gt

    zacky_gt Member

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    ok thanks:D
  4. Darius

    Darius Member

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    ok what you need is a stick of dynamite a cheap book a remote controled car two gallons of water a harmonica a bottle of vodka... First tie the dynamite to the remote controlled car. second play the harmonica for about 10 minutes and learn mary had a little lamb. then drink both gallons of water as fast as you can while reading the book. drink the whole bottle of vodka and get really fucking smashed. drive the remote car into some oncoming traffic with the dynamite lit. BOOM mother fucker! thats the best way to help the smell go away faster.

    hopefully your not writeing this down.
  5. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    Here is what you do man.

    Make it really fun, Smoke with a window open, turn a fan so that it blows outside the window. Have pepper mint, and cologne within a hands reach, and eye drops if ur eyes get red, I wear contacts so mine dont unless i get like baked beyond space and time. But then like Blow the smoke out the window. Spray the cologne all in the room, and on u, put in a pepper mint, do the thing with the eye drops, and think that you are James Bond and walk around your house trying not to make any noise, its fun as hell man, I use to do it all the time, but now I just leave when I wanna go smoke, but I only do it like once every 2 weeks, because I stay broooooooooke. So Yeah. Thats the way it works man.

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