So, I currently sleep from 4am to about 12 midday. I've tried so many times to break this pattern by: Attempting to stay up all night and all day Sleeping from 4 till 8 and then staying up And even taking sleeping pills But I'm still awake now and it's 4AM ! I don't know what to do about it. I'm going to try and stay up all day today. Hopefully that will help. I just hope I'll be able to do all the stuff I have to do. Has anyone else had this problem? Frootafruit.
My sleep patterns are erratic because I work nights. It's the days/nights I'm off from work that are the hardest to get adequate, quality sleep, because I either need to stay up all night then sleep during the day (which kind of ruins my few days "off"), or go to bed in the morning/early afternoon following my last night of work, sleep for a few hours, wake up in the evening, then go back to bed at night so I can enjoy some of the following day. For instance, today is my weekend off. I finished work Saturday morning at 7:30, came home, showered, ran a few errands, then went to bed around 11:30 AM, sleeping until approximately 7:00 in the evening. Then I woke up, ate, and stayed up for most of the night on the computer, before going back to bed at 3:30 AM and waking up around 9 AM.
Wish I could do that, I can't sleep if I've been awake for less than 15 hours. It sucks. Frootafruit.
Stop using computers, cellphone, tv, radio, mp3 player a couple hours before bed time. If you need some form of distraction, read a book! Also try drinking a warm cup of chamomile or other infusion of herbs that will relax you and help you fall asleep (around 1 hour before bed time). Avoid eating much at night, stay away from caffeine after 4pm. And get tired during the day, get some exercise, do some physical activity that will leave you very tired. I used to be a night owl, now I go to bed early and wake up early and it's the best for me. Also, if you have the time, go camping! Just don't bring electronic devices. In around 3-4 days your sleep pattern should go back to normal. You'll go to bed early and wake up early. Just don't screw it up by bringing your smartphone or small tv. The natural patterns of day/night will help your whole system readapt. Cheers!
It can take a week or so to adjust your sleeping pattern. You really just have to suffer through a couple of nights of 4 hours of sleep or less if you really want to adjust your pattern. Just keep forcing yourself to get up around 8 am and within a few days it should be a lot easier to fall asleep earlier in the evening. Back in my early 20s when my work schedule was all over the place and mostly 2nd shift I had the same sleep pattern as you and I could never force myself to wake up early, mostly because I didn't have any real reason to. It wasn't until I started working first shift that I was able to really change my pattern. Now I feel like I'm wasting the day if I sleep past 730 or 8.
forcing myself to stay up right now. when I go too crazy with weed I end up going to sleep 1 pm and waking up 22 pm like yesterday...
so much this, we live a totally unnatural life anymore and it is showing up in people. if you won't do any of the above (I use the word won't for a reason even though many try to say they can't - if people really could not live away from technology the human race would not have lived long enough to develop it) Try melatonin, due to pressures and all sometimes I need as much as 15mg to repattern myself