Ah, what a slow night. I work at a hotel and it was dead. Tonight I was lured by the hot-tub. I always want to use it but I never actually did it. Well, I was standing there and figured, "What the hell." I went out (bringing the phone in case anyone called) and stripped down. I freeball so it wasn't like I could have gone in my boxers and then just taken them off when I needed to get dressed. I jumped into the hot tub and it wasn't hot! That was a major let down. I just relaxed there for ten minutes then got out, got dressed, and went back to work. I wrote a note saying a "guest" complained about the hot tub being broken -- hopefully they fix it by the next time I work. I am determined to have an enjoyable swim at least once. If it is still broken then I will do some laps in the pool over the weekend.
Use to work at a public pool. After closing it was nude swims. We all girls and guys were use to eachothers nudity so nothing awkward. Ended with a shower and pack up. Then clothes on to walk out the door
I had friends who were divers in college, and they always skinny dipped after each practice, guys and gals. Then she worked at a pool after college before deciding what to do with her life, and she started a trend that anyone should skinny dip after the pool closed, and most did. I think she said only one person on staff refused to join in.
was on a male only swim team in college there was a female swim team too, we all got naked and swam naked after practices
I Love to take a swim in the creek during the day while I'm at work! It wakes me up to get me going thru the rest of the day! The water is always very Cold!