i got a fricken mosquito bite on my foot... it itches like hell... anyone else ever have this problem?? its not fun at all!! im gonna hurt my foot soon mosquitos disgust me ... grr...
Never been bit on the bottom of my foot but have been close to it. Been bit on my butt, my face and other shitty places. Hate em. I have a shit load of bites on my legs right now and a few on my back. Itches like hell.
I live in a swamp. We have killer huge mosquitos. There's no point in trying to have a campfire or an outside party after it starts getting warm here. I hate it when they get in my room in the night, I just pull my blanket over my head, but I can sometimes still hear them buzzing around my head!
when you are bit , take a bit of baking soda....mix witha few drops water ...make a paste and smeer it over bite ..it will dry up and flake off ....repeat process! ...up north , mosq. are worse than here ...in san juan they were bad but in mts. of p.rico ...almost none! most nites here you could stretch out naked and fornicate all nite outdoors , with hardly a bite {mosquitoe that is}....you should come down for a visit and ill prove it!
I have like a million bites on each foot, okay more like 8 on each foot. That's a lot though for one night, and I have a few on my arms, but one was really gigantic, ridiculously large for a mosquito bite, but it went down a bit. yeah.
i hate them skeeter bites... i havent really spent a lot of time outside.. but... i was tryin to get my kitty to come inside.. so i was sitting on the front porch and all these damn skeeters came by me.. and i only managed to get bit on my fricken foot for some reason. whoever invented mosquitos was out of his/her mind
oh my.. well... what if i want that bad blood.. its MY blood damnit.. no skeeter has the right to take it from me im gonna slap them skeeters if they land on me ..... that'll show em!