Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by Steven912, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Steven912

    Steven912 Members

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    There have been many surveys regarding size preference, yet I have not seen any that factored a distinction for how many children the woman had given birth to. Being average size, my wife had no issue with my size until after her first child.

    Here I would like only heterosexual WOMEN who have given birth to 2 or more children to respond.
    Assume that an increase in length is associated with an equivalent increase in girth.

    Think of it this way. If you could anonymously wish for the penis size of the person of your choice to make love to you tomorrow, and he would wake up having exactly that size, what would you wish for.

    The survey asks you to rank in order of your preferred sizes in inch increments.
    Thank you for your participation. Results will be posted every time a 100 more people respond.

    Here is your link to vote:
    PENIS SIZE PREFERENCE for WOMEN AFTER GIVING BIRTH to 2 or more children | OpaVote

    Thank you for your participation. Results will be posted every time a 100 more people respond.

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