So my sister is in an interesting situation and I’m not sure where I stand on it. She told me and said she had secretly been hooking up with her friend’s father (she’s 26 and he’s in his East 40s). They decided to become a couple but the friend of hers doesn’t know what’s been going on. I think it’s going to be a very difficult convo to say the least and she may end up losing a friend. Oh and I didn’t mention that he was single, not married so that’s not a barrier. Just the friendship. She feels guilty and a part of me feels like it’s wrong but the other part of me says they’re in a consenting relationship and they seem to like each other a lot. Dunno.. just looking to talk about it more than anything because I don’t know what to tell her.
Well I think you hit the nail on he head. Ie its a "consenting relationship" . I would just accept it as that .My view is there is not much wrong here.. Age shouldn't be a barrier , they are both single and consenting adults and they must love each other . I would just be happy for them .