Ever since we got the Firestone's Christmas album when I was a kid, with James Mccracken's version, I have loved the Ave Maria (Gounod). I learned it early on, and often sang it a Capella. And I was thinking, the Gounod version really sounds very good a Capella. And you know who should record it this way? Boyz to Men.
My FYE Mix and Burn CD finally arrived two days ago. (For those of you who don't know, I highly recommend FYE Mix and Burn. They'll rip and music CD for you, and they have a good selection of songs too.) Anyways, I always wondered if the "ae" in Nostrae in the Ave Maria could be pronounced as "i" in kite. I sent a couple of college professors an email. And one said, it usually is pronounced "ay" today. But you know, the Lawrence Welk version (on my CD) has it pronounced "i". And I at least think it sounds better that way. So I'm not alone. Who knew. AVƐ MARIA GRATIA PLƐNA DOMINVS TƐCVM: BƐNƐDICTA TV IN MVLIƐRIBVS ƐT BƐNƐDICTVS FRVCTVS VƐNTRIS TVI IƐSVS. SANCTA MARIA MATƐR DƐI ORA PRO NOBIS PƐCCATORIBVS: NVNC ƐT IN HORA MORTIS NOSTRAƐ. AMƐN.