I make wire wrap jewellery and I was thinking about branching out to dread beads. would any dread heads here be interested in such a thing? they by my estimation would price similarly to really nice blown glass dread beads. good idea?
its a good idea. I might buy one if I have funds and am around when you have them. There is also a forum for selling if your interested. BTW, thanks for stopping by.
ohhhhhhh I'v though about this lots in the past! i do a lot of copper wire work with various jewelry and i was thinking about making my self some nice bead/wrap style peaces of art work, with some hemp and nice stones and copper wire.... but... I ran out of my wire and hemp! soo i need to get more Any way my point is….. If any one in some near future when I stop procrastinating about getting my copper wire.. If you would like one.. I’ll get around to making them post pictures and just ask ill send you a nice little gift
Wowy ... both of you sound tempting. ...... hehe well to answer the question yes i would bead interested (HO HO HO what a pun!)
sounds like great idea. i met a girl once with these beautiful wire wrap decorations in her dreadies. they had these nice little stones and crystals in them. it looked awesome.
I make all sorts of dread jewelry. I love using wire and chrystals, feathers, beads, anything that I can get my hands on! I also make peyote stiches.
That kind of reminds me of something I saw at a Ren fair once. This guy was selling this wire wrap that had glass beads or charms at the bottom. You could wrap it around a braid, dread, or just a lock of hair. I really wish I had bought one. Keep us updated on if and when you make the jewelry.
its a band made of beads(usually has a design) that you can slip onto your dreadlocks... heres a picture of one. (photo used from Gratefulthreads.com)