Does anyone ever had bad experiences when you got your silver fillings put in your mouth.I heard they are made with mercury and leach out mercury the entire time they are in your mouth.Mercury is a deadly poison that causes brain damage and health problems.There is no safe level..I have 16 fillings for over 20 years and I notice I get more depressed tired and lack of energy the longer they are in my mouth.I want to get them out .I have muscle pains and kidney and liver problems to.I think Every out there that has any silver filling in their mouth should get them replaced immediately.I want to get mine out but I am afraid of the price and the side effects.Does anyone on here ever get the fillings replaced with a safer material?Please share your expierence on here to help others and myself Thank You
I've had them for about 55 years and I've noticed no negative effects although the high teeth do gimble as they wat. We also yousd to git mercury from the dentist to plat with it maks little balls that wiggle as they squat also 8 fun in toyyz klie mazes and stouff