y did u pic your signature ...what made u choose it.. mine represents most of all the things that represent "ME"
I have a problem with your sig, something about the foot makes me turn my head and never open the thread ever again im not asking you to change it, but...damn that foot, damn it to hell
I picked mine cause fear and loathing in las vags. I though was a great movie. plus Johnny Depp was so hot in that movie
the first ones the mando i want, the second looks like the one i got, the third is too fuckin cool, the fourth is an electric that looks like a beatles bass to me, and the fifth is a bill monroe.
Holy shit...I hadnt realized I changed mineLOL. this one just made me smile ( I have no idea who the guy is.)
i was going to pic zapatas saying....its better to die on your feet than to live on your knees ....or from france 68....i take my desires to be reality , because i believe in the reality of my desires ...or 80s brit. , ....we want to riot not to work!