The US Government Wants Signal’s Private User Data That It Simply Doesn't Have | HotHardware "Signals" is a new online encryption service that, according to the article, doesn't know anything about their users, other than they pay their bills, while the US courts insist that privacy is not a constitutional right, and would love nothing more than to demand such services spy on their own customers. The EU has been steadily developing the technology for public quantum encryption, and they most certainly will not hand over their data to a bunch of throwbacks in the US government, who have no clue what democracy means without dollar signs.
Apple got in trouble for producing iphones that even they could not break the encryption on, but if companies like Signals are allowed to operate, any other company that doesn't follow suit will find themselves at a disadvantage. The Pentagon is working hard on developing the technology to censor the entire web, but isn't there yet, and this complicates things. You cannot attack what you cannot comprehend, which is why military intelligence is an oxymoron.
OXYMORON I always meant to do a thread for those. Most people have no clue. Shhhh I do wonder about Russia though.
The whole world is bananas right now, or going cross-eyed, but the fight for the moment is for the world economy. Russian hackers cracked the NRA database, and are ransoming them, not because they're political, but because politics and money are the same thing these days. Putin wants to rule the word, but he doesn't have the cash, the NRA wants to rule the world, but they don't have the guns, so it all works out. The real problem is that China is dividing the world economy in half, and the economy has slowed dramatically due to Covid. The US is at least 20 years ahead in roughly 80% of the technology, with the glaring exception of AI, which the Chinese are gifted at, and jumped on decades before academia pulled their heads out of their asses. We need a theory of everything, and the computers are already powerful enough to spit it out, with the only real question being, why nobody has it yet, or is willing to admit they have it.
It's one thing to be able to decrypt, but they've turned the internet into a handful of social media enterprises. All the internet is is social media. And porn.
That's cute, of course, Candy Gal. We all want ya. But the vagina's not the thing. I've seen too many vaginas and not been yelled at by enough women.
That said, the chatroom on hf is the only chatroom I know of. Chatrooms used to be ubiquitous on the internet. In the golden years of the internet. Coincidence? I think not. They don't want us talking, cooperating, harmonizing, realizing, testifyin'! Amen!
The US sells 40% of all the weapons in the world. Biden just apologized to the French for ruining a billion dollar submarine contract for them. So long as you think of the internet as merely porn and televangelism, Wall Street will run everything. The internet is about information, and this is the information age, with Big Data being Big Business. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what you can do with all that data but, suffice it to say, some 80% of everything people do as both individuals and as societies, is utterly predictable, and the AI are poised to make Wall Street traders obsolete. The Pentagon is pulling their fucking hair out, because all of our chips have malware and spyware, serious flaws, and the technology is all exploding at once, with the electronics revolution merely leading to the next quantum revolution becoming cheap and affordable. Many now believe the next scientific revolution has already begun, but without a theory of everything, and we have two decades, if that, before the crap hits the fan!