I guess I can tell you, I am rather drawn to pithy Latin sayings. I mean what did they sound like to native Latin speakers? Makes you think. Anyway, I have my criticisms too of certain translations. Take "Sic Semper Tyrannis". It means " thus ever to tyrants". I.e., death to tyrants. It's the motto of the state of Virginia. And John Wilkes Booth reportedly shouted it after shooting Lincoln. Only it is no longer translated that way. Now they translate it as "Thus ALWAYS to Tyrants" (emphasis mine). I now that translation is probably more simple, and possibly more accurate. But to me that translation sounds just a little, well, retarded (no offense to our lower I.Q. board members). I'll bet in England they probably still say "Thus Ever to Tyrants". Am I just getting upset over nothing? And while we're at it, how would any of YOU translate it? (This Latin motto, BTW, is not the only one I have a bone to pick about.)
uh oh, cat's out of the bag now! in my experience, all translations are less than accurate. so i tend to not worry about it.