Siblings And Birth Order

Discussion in 'The Hip Polls' started by RollTideKendra, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. RollTideKendra

    RollTideKendra Members

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    How many siblings do you have?
    Where do you fall in the birth order?
    Do you think these things affected how you became who you are today?
    Explain if you wish...
  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I'm one of 4 daughters, second born!
    Apart from cast off's, kids are kids... yeah it effected me..but life is life
  3. RollTideKendra

    RollTideKendra Members

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    How many siblings do you have? 3

    Where do you fall in the birth order? I am number 4 of 4 kids.

    Do you think these things affected how you became who you are today? I do, I think I saw my older siblings stress about so many things that don't really matter in life, and still do. Especially after my marriage ended I fully grasped my "laid back" theory on life.
    1.Don't stress over stupid shit.
    2. People/relationships over "things and stuff:
    3. Relax...have a drink or something

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    i an the eldest of 3
    2 Sisters 9 + 10 years younger
    Because of the Age and Sex difference I led and lead my life 'in my own Special way'
  5. Twobitgirl

    Twobitgirl Members

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    I'm the youngest of two daughters by a few years. My place in the order doesn't really affect anything for me. My sister paved the way for me in many ways and my parents learned a lot from raising her before I came along. My sister is very different from me and I'm kind of the wild card in my family. No wonder my parents called it a day after I was born.
  6. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    6 kids...according to popular theory I'm a fuck up because I was born in the middle....either first or last is best
  7. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    The oldest of four.

    How the fuck am I supposed to know how that affected me?
  8. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i'm an only child. people tell me that means i'm spoiled, but i'm used to getting my own way so i don't listen to those people.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Slipikins

    Slipikins Members

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    That's me! <3
  10. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    im brother is a first

    sister in the middle is the only one whos done well

    so your theory is flawed
  11. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I'm the youngest, but my siblings were teenagers and then moved out/went to college and were off living their own lives by the time I was around 6 or 7 years old so I also had many years basically being an only child

    I really am not sure how it affected me, I know i'm a bit different than my siblings, more free spirited and I just cant bring myself to care about the things they care about but I dont know if that's because I'm the youngest or because there is a generation gap
  12. Jude96

    Jude96 Members

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    I am one of four kids...

    1) Lilly
    2) Summer
    3) Myself
    4) Arlo

    2 older sisters and a younger brother... they beat me up a bit growing up ha ha but they were good to me... drove me around when they got their drivers licenses and stuff... my younger brother kind of followed in my footsteps a bit and made his way out west, lives in Cali... got into more trouble than I did lol but we're a pretty close family... lots of love there and honestly I feel as though I'm a gentleman because of my mom and my sisters... and my dad too, he and my mom are still married after decades and decades together :)

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