Sian Barbara Allen

Discussion in 'TV' started by Duncan, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I watched an episode of IRONSIDE and saw the actress Sian Barbara Allen. I remember her as a girlfriend of John Boy on THE WALTONS.
    I haven't seen her in ages on anything. They said she worked in the 70s. Anyone know where she is and what she's doing?
  2. KayEn78

    KayEn78 Member

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    I don't know what she's doing now, but I did see her in "You'll Like My Mother" (with Richard Thomas). That was a good thriller. I've also seen her on the Waltons too, as John-Boy's girlfriend in two episodes. I have a few magazine articles from the 70s and they said that Richard Thomas and Sian Barbara Allen (how do you pronounce her name? See-Anne, Shy-Anne, Shawn?) dated for a couple of years in the early 70s. I've checked out her filmography on the Internet Movie Database and she hasn't really acted in much since the 70s...maybe a TV show here and there...but not too much since then.
  3. crabjac

    crabjac Member

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    I remember this chick, too! She seemed to be everywhere in the 70's. She was all dewy eyed and put upon! I guess acting is a crap shoot, I would have picked her to go far. She really was a good actress. It's odd that there are no pics of her on the internet. I guess I just hope she's happy. Maybe Richard Thomas has kept in touch. I'll ask him. Ha Ha! Cheers!
  4. crabjac

    crabjac Member

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    Hey Kristi, I think she pronounced her name like "Shawn". I know you must have been waitng on the edge of you seat for the info (for over a month!). P.S. Remember Pamelyn Ferdin? She was also all over the T.V. in the 70's. Just do a search. You'll definitely get a chuckle when you see her and wonder why are all these people are stored in our memories? Later!
  5. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Ick! I remember her OH SO WELL. From Family Affair and of course from The Brady Bunch. She was the notorious bitch-friend who laughed at Jan when she arrived at the party with that black wig on.

    I also remember her from a horrible episode of Marcus Welby. One of those characters who was so emotionally over-wrought that she developed emotional kidney failure. UGH!
  6. KayEn78

    KayEn78 Member

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    Oh, I know who you're talking about. That girl had a certain voice that when she spoke you knew it was her! Yep, she was the one who laughed at Jan. From what I've seen Sian in (The Waltons, and You'll Like My Mother), I think she was a good actress.
  7. crabjac

    crabjac Member

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    Ha Ha! Wasn't her name "Margie Whipple" on the Brady Bunch? What a great name! It fits her! Loved the "emotional " kidney failure reference. You may discovered the original "drama queen"! LOL!
  8. KayEn78

    KayEn78 Member

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    I think her name was Lucy on that episode (hey, she also played "Lucy" on a few Charlie Brown movies that came out in the late sixties/early seventies. Margie Whipple (the girl who liked Peter Brady) was one of Lucy's (Pamelyn's) friends. Yes, I spend way too much time on TV show boards and browsing the Internet Movie Database! LOL :)

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