Just curious how people would compare shrooms to LSD. I've seen people argue that one is easier to handle than the other and what I've basically concluded that acid is a little more chaotic and crazy and shrooms is more mellow and nature-y. I've done LSD once and a research chem by accident. The LSD went well and I didn't have any problems so do you think that I'll be able to handle shrooms fine? I'm buying 1/8th, how much should I take? The whole thing? Any tips for first time? Things that are fun to do? Warnings? Thanks.
i actually find shrooms to be more chaotic and "crazy" than LSD. i prefer LSD. everyone is different. just make sure you give mushrooms the respect they deserve. i would ask the guy you got the shrooms from how much to take, or how potent they are. potency can vary a lot. you might only need half an eighth to trip good. a whole eighth can be a lot. i'm sure you'll handle them fine. but just don't think of them as easier to handle than acid. you still have to pay attention to set and setting, more so with mushrooms IMO.
Thanks. My friend is getting them for me from a guy she buys from often, so I'll talk to her about doses. We are planning to go to Santa Cruz and be on the beach. Just wondering, is it like acid where you feel really hot sometimes or really cold? It's been pretty cold recently/don't know if outside on the coast is a good idea. At least for acid because I was outside in summer and it was kind of uncomfortable
Just eat a few stems and caps and see how it goes. As stated above...it will be different depending on what you get. I've tripped a lot on both and I find shrooms to be a little mellower for me but that's just me. I don't even really do it anymore for a couple of reasons but if I'm taking acid, I'd take a hit or two. If I'm eating shrooms...I will eat a lot. It's really my drug of choice.
Shrooms have a shorter duration and I find them more mellow and less chaotic than LSD as well. Shrooms can be intense though, especially if you've only had a LSD trip under a 100 ugs or something, then you very well may find a 1/8 of Shrooms more intense. Also Shrooms tend to have more of a body trip component to them, vaguely reminiscent of MDMA (which I know you have explored) but weirder. If they are cubensis, I'd reccommend 2.5 grams but I did a 1/8 for my first shroom trip and besides some nausea on the onset, I found it an amazing trip! Yah Mushrooms can make you perceive body temperature fluctations, again I find this aspect less chaotic than LSD but I'd make sure you have plenty of layers of clothing if you plan to trip in this weather we've had recently.
Thanks. I'm really looking forward to it and figure it will be a positive experience. How would you compare the visuals?
I can't even begin to explain the differences in visuals without fucking up so maybe someone else can do a better job but shrooms tend to make objects stand out more and lsd distorts the special dimension more but i'm probably already construing the wrong thing with my bad wording. I wouldn't take a whole eighth your first time if you've never done them before and have limited experience with psychedelics...I suggest about 2 grams.
i agree that 2 grams is a pretty good dose, especially for someone new to shrooms. not to say that a whole eighth might not be fantastic i think shrooms tend to give me more "breathing" visuals and lsd visuals can be hit or miss. either i "just" get HD vision where i can see everything in great detail, or i get melty, sparkly, colorful visuals. visuals are only about 10% of the trip. the rest is what i really love. i love the visuals too though
the nimber one reason I love shrooms more then acid is shrooms are active an all doses. So if you are going on a hike and want to enjoy it but don't want or can't trip balls you can take a 1/2 gram or a gram......... Everything will look brighter, the air will taste better then anything you have ever tasted, you will feel at peace with nature, you will have ridiculous amounts of energy and endurance If you want a chill evening with your friends sitting around a campfire or watching some comedy from the comfort of your couch you can take 2 grams...... You will giggle and laugh until your face hurts, it will cause some great conversarions to break out or you can all just mellow out and stare at the fire and soak up the body buzz as you tune into the throb of the fire crackling If you want a more intense trip you can take a eighth...... Stare at your walls as they breath and morph and melt into the vibrating carpet..... Feel rippling body buzzes hum through your body like a cosmic orgasm. Or take more and completely lose sight of the coastline that is reality and watch blue whales swim through your living room as walls dissolve and turn into a garden full of flowers in colors that defy description. Hard to take a tab of acid and plan your day because it is so potent at such low doses that you can end up further down the rabbit hole then you intended.
Visuals tend to change, unfold and sometimes can be quite different from trip to trip, so I'll add some comparisons but they may not necessarily apply for you depending on dose and setting. I'll add to porkstock's descriptions because those are fairly accurate descriptions... For what I'd deem a full psychedelic dose (kind of a loaded phrase) of each... I find shrooms elicit visually grainy and wavy visuals. The color enhancements tend to stay within the realm of earthy tones. Sometimes there will be like faces, patterning or texturing that kind of protrude and emerges in objects but usually you still have a good grasp of the object that is being distorted and a lot of the texuring and patterning is overlay of the object. It's more of a feeling than a visual but it's associated with visual so sometimes you can kind of get a sense of the spirit of a tree or something like that coming through. With LSD, I often get the impression that I'm looking through a surrealist Dali-esque fish eye lens. The periphreal of my vision is soupy and runny. The color enhancement of LSD elicits colors which I feel don't necessarily naturally exist out in nature. I'm sure you've seen plenty of the kaleidoscopic artwork depicted in the 60's so that's a good general idea. There is an intense degree of magnification on objects which elicit a design with in the design within the design phenomena. I may see objects that are not actually in the object themselves, however unlike mushrooms these may convince me of somehow legitimately existing on some plane within the object, or at least captivate my imagination to be pretty much completely engaged by the visuals/hallucinations for moments at a time. I also find people's faces become much more distorted with LSD than with shrooms, people eyes can rearrange or expand and contract, I've seen someone grow whiskers, LSD elicits a much more liberal distortions of the enviornment I find. These visuals pretty much only apply to when you can see, taking them with a darkened room or something is different.
gb's description of mushrooms visuals is spot on IMO. visuals from LSD are hard to describe, and are very different for me even on the same dose.
Both of those are very insightful. Also LSD seems to be extremely influenced by placebo. I remember before trying it I would read about people's experiences on it and then during my trip I would remember someone saying that the walls would breathe or what not and suddenly all the walls around me would be breathing. The same thing happened for me with the melting aspect of things because I didn't really get a lot of that, but when I thought about the fact that people say things melt the glass cup on the table started to look like it was melting. Thank you guys so much for the insight and I'll probably start out with 2 grams or so and see how it goes. Is redosing a good idea/possible if I want enhanced effects?
yeah i find that with acid the visuals can be very suggestive, and subtle. on psychedelics in general, the visuals can be subtle. but sometimes they really stand out and i suppose that's the case with higher doses of LSD. my brother loves to "make things grow" on L i think if you redose, you should do it sooner rather than later, because tolerance will set in. but it probably works better with mush than with L. sometimes people just munch on shrooms slowly until they feel good. i personally tend to pick a dose and stick to it. 2 g should be a decent intro if the shrooms are decent. if they are good it will be a SOLID trip. you can take 3 g or more next time if you desire.
If everyone I was with insisted on taking an eighth should I take one as well considering I can't really see how wrong things could go because an eighth isn't some crazy uncommon dose, if you get what I'm saying. I also don't really want everyone else to be on a whole other level.
Yeah try and be on the same level as the others you trip with, it's amazing! The worse that may happen assuming you have taken control of set/setting is a slight increase in nausea.
how many people are you going to be with? a bunch of people, all eating an eighth of shrooms to the face....a LOT of things could go wrong dude, hahaha. not to give you unnecessary alarm though, it'll probably be fine. i've had it go sorta wrong from eating an eighth with just one other person. a whole eighth will be a strong trip. that can be a great thing though.