Shrooms Trip

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by LSAndrew, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. LSAndrew

    LSAndrew Member

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    Going to the woods/nature where no one is to trip with 2 of my friends. We all plan to eat somewhere between 2 and 3 grams. Planning on bringing a tent with blankets or something in case anyone becomes a little overwhelmed. Bringing a variety of clothes and water, etc. Not trying to overthink or anything but just want some insight that an experienced shroomer may have/any obvious things that could go wrong that we don't see. Thanks.
  2. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Sounds like you're set :)

    don't forget toilet paper and maybe some ginger ale (if you're smoking ganja you're fine).
  3. Ol' Zeus

    Ol' Zeus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    A harmonica would be nice! Sounds like a great day :)
  4. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    If there are tent curfews, keep that in mind. Enjoy your trip!
  5. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    If some jackass brought a harmonica to my shroom trip I would skull rape him like I was on bath salts.

    What a horrible idea.... Why not just bring a coffee grinder full of broken glass for everyone to listen too?
  6. Ol' Zeus

    Ol' Zeus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I appreciate your vote of confidence and your enlightened response. When I grow up, I can only hope to be as kind and thoughtful as you.
  7. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    99.9% of jackasses that own a harmonica can't play it

    And the .01% that can suck at it.

    Even if you play like Buddy Greene ([ame] noone wants to hear it.... Especially with a skull full of psilocybin which can cause acute hearing sensitivity. I made the mistake of tripping in a rock quarry once and the noise of the rocks tumbling down the walls was like someone playing cymbals in my head. the idea of listening to someone squealing " she'll be coming round the mountain" on a high pitched harmonica while I am tripping fills me with rage and is a guarranteed way to give everyone the worst night of their lives.

    You want low pitched vibrations like drums or a didgeridoo to really bring out the body high and to not grate on the acute hearing. Plus a good bass throb when you are peaking feels like a cosmic soul ripping orgasm.

    Try this

  8. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    as blunt as grainpsilo's response was, i'm gonna have to side with him. i think he knows what he's talking about when it comes to mushrooms, and i agree that i wouldn't want to listen to a harmonica on shrooms. to each their own though, maybe Someone would...

    to answer the OP - sounds like you got it covered.
    but bring a music player and some of your favorite tunes. maybe a pen and paper if you feel like writing something down.

    the forest on mushrooms will be pretty damned interesting on its own. don't need much else.

    a fire starter - and any other shit that might be good to have in case you have to camp out in the woods that night.
  9. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Just keep in the back of your mind that mountain lions could be anywhere!!!

    Just kidding. Have a good trip. :sunny:
  10. LSAndrew

    LSAndrew Member

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    Don't think we will be there all night or anything cause it'll be so cold... Well thanks everyone I'll make sure to keep it all in mind and I'll leave a trip report later... Is there even a trip report section/do people do that here..?
  11. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    No just post it in the section of the drug you took. 2-3 grams should not be too intense. Definitely enough to have a good trip but probably not enough to freak anyone out.
  12. SpaceTrippin

    SpaceTrippin Banned

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    I know this is an ancient thread but I hope you screamed at the moon thru thge branches of this ole time fuckme
  13. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    yeah, where is your trip report, OP?

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