shroom trippin stories

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by stonerman420, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. stonerman420

    stonerman420 Member

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    im going to try shrooms for the first time this weekend and i was wondering if anyone had any cool trip stories of like what you saw, and like what you did while you were tripping and stuff.
  2. Stabman

    Stabman Member

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  3. hippieatheart

    hippieatheart vagina boob

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    the first time i tried shrooms were with my friend lauren, and my boyfriend. we only ate about a gram and a half or so. we started trippin really bad about 45 minutes later. lauren had the worst trip out of us 3.. me and my boyfriends was pretty fun. but laurens was so bad. she kept thinking that everything was really scary. i would make a scary face and she would start to go crazy and cry and said my face had morphed into an old wrinkly guy she called "dan". and every 2 seconds she would say "he's coming he's coming he's coming" really fast. me and my boyfriend would just sit there and laugh the whole time... finally lauren was like please dont do that face again. and i did it and she got so freaked out that she smacked me in the face REALLY hard! i started to cry, but that soon turned into laughter. we went outside to talk to my boyfriends brother and his friend and WOW, it was CRAZY we felt so freaked out we had to go back inside the house to just lay there until it went away.

    the 2nd time we tripped, we tripped w/ like 3 other people. me lauren and my boyfriend and 3 other people. lauren had a bad trip AGAIN and just mostly layed around shaking and twitching every 2 minutes. i had a good trip again and so did everybody else. me and my boyfriend went outside and layed in the grass and looked up at the stars and the sky looked as if it was breathing, and the stars would move about all over the sky. we went inside, lauren still laying there scared =P. my boyfriend found a blue chord and started spinning it around, it looked like there were 50 chords flying around. both times i tripped i thought it was really fun.

    have fun with trying shrooms. lol
  4. somethingwitty

    somethingwitty Member

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  5. jimi420

    jimi420 Member

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    god you guys are no fun he wants some stories not links to stories.. but ive never tripped so i cant give ya any
  6. mushie18

    mushie18 Intergalactic

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    one time i ate some mushrooms, had a bad trip, pulled all of my teeth out with a wrench, and cut my balls off... is that a good story..?:cool:
  7. paintballer687

    paintballer687 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    One time I almost died from laughter when my friend turned into a panda... Another time I tried smoking a stick... The last time I ate some my friend talked me into looking for 'free lizards' outside on my window... One time i got chased by my sister who was throwing 'pop pops' at me which she apparently got from some 10 year old... Um... Yeah I usually don't remember 'em too well, hehe...
  8. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    i'm gonna try them soon. you'll do them before me so tell me how it goes.:sunglasse
  9. phoenix88

    phoenix88 Member

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    Both of my trips are crazy. I think you are guranteed to have a crazy day no matter what.
  10. peaceful_kid89

    peaceful_kid89 Member

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    ummm first of all shrooms do not make u see shit like that ur friend most likely did not turn into a panda mushrooms do not affect u like that they make ur brain bleed slightly on to the back of ur spinal chord which then cuases a sention in ur spine and cause u to see colors mostly a soft purple this happens because the blood from ur brain when it hits ur spine it sends messages thru ur nerves and they hit the back of ur eyes and cause u to see wavy like paterns and colors
  11. retinalcircus

    retinalcircus Member

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    i have experienced several intense mushroom trips over the last two years. the strongest being a few days ago whilst i was in amsterdam (were shrooms, and the best weeds and hash in the world is wonderfully legal!), the mushrooms were hawaiian copelandia (10g fresh). i didnt think that mushrooms could be as powerful as this, the experience was very similair to an acid trip, just not as long.
    at higher doses expect to see coloured fractals, breathing surfaces and objects. My sense of hearing completely fucked up on this trip, i couldn't distinguish different sounds and all the background noise sort of just merged into one, if that makes any sense:)?! i felt slightly sick for about an hour and a half whilst coming up off of them, keep some weed(smoking at the mushroom peak boosts the experience) at hand and try not too eat much if at all for some hours before.
    enjoy, and let us know how it went.
  12. retinalcircus

    retinalcircus Member

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    and your brain certainly does not leak blood into your spinal chord
  13. Mordiana

    Mordiana Member

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    First trip ever: took a way too high dose of hawaiians, even more too high for my weight, as I'm very light. Its very vaque to remember, since I was so confused but I can try to put it down here:

    taking them, smoking a couple of joints and waiting:
    after 30 mins: have the feeling I have to lean sidewards, the banes over the earth pull me over and I need to move really strange. But I don't. Stomach discomfort. Start to notice the trees on the other side of the road are growing and slinking at the same time. I don't see much visuals and don't feel trippy yet. I decide to walk to a tree, I stand there, suddently I have earbuzz, I hear the tree talk and it grows insanely large, I panicly run back.
    after an hour: the sky, grass and everything else have geometrical patterns. The trees on the other side of the road are going insane. Closed eyes visuals are fucking beautiful. They ahve all kinds of shapes and patterns, and even faces of people. This is the point it gets weird, therse lines going over the eath for some reason, people have trails, and my best friend, who isn't the thinnest is flat when looking from the side. I feel like I'm stuck to the air behind me and my coat is shelter. I start to feel very uncomfortable where we are, I want to get out of there.
    1,5 hour: We're walking trough the city, I see colors flying around, now I can see why I like places and not, its all very clear now. We're going to the square were we relaxe often. We sit down. As we walk to our point, I see the corners of the streets circling around me, just flashing and shifting, I lost all oriantation. We sit down. This place looks cold. I listen to music and see soundwaves attacking me. We to go my place
    2 to 4 hours later: In my room. Everything shines bright, patterns mingle to eachother, me and my best friend are having a fight about the patterns in the carpet. The one half of my room is upside down, I see numbers flying, music sounds strange and hollow likes its everywhere, but I love it. Nothing seems to be fitting anymore, I have 5 arms and because I took out my shelter (coat) I'm now stuck to the ground. didn't matter much of I would have seen how deep the window was. Luckely the friend with experience managed to stop me. We sit down for a while (oh, and walking to my room I thought my house was a church, there was holy light, and getting out of my coat was a total struggle), and just relaxe and look at all the patterns. I talk with my mother (she doesn't know what we took) I'm very confused, I can't think. I forgot who I was and more then my name and some youth memory I don't know.
    4 to 8 hours after: Here comes the restless part. We get strange issues with the fact we're just being. I hate it, I curse it, I don't want to be just being! being what?! It makes us insane and confused, the coutch eats one of my friends, we're still confused. one of my friends wants to go outside at all cost, the other one wants to stay in at all costs. I'm in the comming down.
    10 hours later: the last strange movements of the table are going away slightly. Finaly. Over.

    Backlooking: we made a few big mistakes: we didn't plan it, took a too high dose, two of us never did it before and the other one went bad. We're lucky to be alive, and I loved it.

    I did mushrooms 4 times after this, the seccond one was with mexicans (lame mushrooms, boring), there were only patterns and a colabottle being the centre of life.

    3rd time: my best friend manages to faint and crack his head open, we go to the hospital and we're going bad. I come up with my zeropoint theory that I still stick to, the reason to be negative. Only it was terrible, and I though my life was over.

    4rth time: too much tollerance, doing mushrooms 4 days after the last time works not well. I only saw some light patterns.

    5th time: I take high dose, its nice, but since they were a bit too old my stomach goes pretty bad. I lay in bed the whole time, and hate it, but the colors are nice and the fact my walls bend is cool. I feel like waisting my time and say I never will do them again. Since then I changed my mind.

    Not all my experiences were positive, but the first time was clearly the best, and as soon as the patterns I now see when sober go away I'll do it again.
  14. Mordiana

    Mordiana Member

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    oh and everything was breathing in the first and last trip, and exept for one exception all my experiences were with hawaiians.
  15. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    Bullshit, Psylocybe messes with your a certain part in your brain that filters out what you can see and cant(so I heard, not entirely sure), but I DO know they dont make your brain bleed, thats a myth, like acid eats wholes into your brain.

    my trip,
    this is my best trip I ever had, I ingested 4.5 gs of some weaker mushrooms, my dad had gone to the city to get his computer fixed, I lived in a town at this time. I was watching an interview with Gene Simmons, and all a sudden I felt really goofy, I looked at a poorly painted wall, which appeared to have swirls moving threw it, the most walls had lines from it being painted sloppely, some of the lines started to look like a clown, smiling at me, so I smiled back and put in my T upac, ressurection CD, as I was listening to ghost the base was making these wierd lines move. Then I saw my dad come home so I freaked, turned my music off adn went upstairs. My brother and his friend where playing Lord of the rings 3 on Gamecube, so I went on the computer to go online and see what people where doing. At this point everything seems somewhat blurry, and I felt so high I was having troubles controlling my laughter, so I looked behind me to see what my brother and friend where doing, and there was a giant face on my ceiling, breathing back and forth. then it sank back into the wall, and dissapeared. So i looked back at my screen, and the face popped out of the corner of my screen, but I never take it as a bad trip, I always know its the drug and laugh my ass off to everything. But I decided to go out and try to score a gram of bud. It was 30 below but i could barely feel it. My buddy drove to go pick it up for me and I waited, looking at the textures in the snow get better looking, and better looking. EVERYTHING was moving. But about 30 minutes after that it wore off. And I felt a wierd buzz for the rest of the day. But ya mushrooms are real fun if you can handle them.

    I have a friend who was trippin on some mushrooms he got, and he said the wall was breathing , then covered in purple goo, so he screamed and ran off lol.
  16. Blind_Melon_Chitlin'

    Blind_Melon_Chitlin' Member

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    Well here's the story of my first trip, this took place last friday. I bought an eigth of p. cubsensis and had just got them at around 5 pm. I ate a large stem and a small stem just to see if they would do anything and within an hour I felt a small buzz and colours and lights seemed to be a bit brighter. This was around 6 pm, my parents had decided to make me go to the home football game at my highschool, right before we left at around 7:30 I had another peice of a stem and reluctantly headed off with my parents. I felt a bit stronger of a buzz as we walked there, as if I had smoked a bowl. The game went by fine, I did not hallucinate or have any visuals yet colours were certianly much brighter along with lights, watching the sunset from the stands was pretty nice also. At about 9:35 pm we were tired of watching my school's football team get their ass kicked and left. We got home at around 9:50 pm and I grabbed a slice of pizza and large glass of water to finish off my eigth with. I ate a bit of pizza and downed the eigth, I didnt think they tasted that bad, and then drank about a pint of water, this was at 10 pm. It was the perfect night, my brother was at a sleepover, my dad in my parents room, my mom watching T.V. upstairs and my sister at a friends. I trooped off to the basement and turned on the T.V. and decided to lay on the couch and wait for the effects. The original Nutty Professor was on and I decided it would be a good movie to trip to due to the fact it was filmed in that early 60s technicolour film that is very bright, also there are tons of bright clours in the film and things like that. Within about 20 minutes I felt them hitting me, with waves of "energy" in my legs, this felt good and made me giggle a bit. I also noticed that the colours were getting even brighter, just seeing the guy's bright purple suit and the walls in the club made me burst out laughing. I looked up at one of my small surround sound speakers on the ceiling and noticed it was breathing, along with the walls, this made me laugh even more. The first thirty minutes were amazing, much "gentler" than acid, which I liked. I didnt have any quick changing emotions and mostly layed on my couch and laughed my ass off at the movie. I got up to get some water and felt like I was stoned, which was even better, I also decided to check out my pupils in the bathroom mirror, which were very dilated. I grabbed my guitar also, as I played it the neck seemed to be getting skinnier and skinnier to the point that the neck looked like it was two feet long, the huge P-90 pickups on it were also breathing. I messed with the tremelo arm alot and put it completely out of tune, which I didnt notice until the next morning. The peak ended around 12 pm along with the Nutty Professor. The next movie that came on was another early 60s movie filmed in technicolour, it was called, Where The Boys Are. I grabbed the remote to change but all the other channels seemed dull because they were not filmed in technicolour, so I switched back. Basically the movie is about some chicks that go to Florida for spring break and they meet a bunch of dudes. I finally experienced the awareness of one of the "games" people play in society, the dating game. It seemed that every two minutes the chicks were getting pissed at their dates and then in another two minutes getting back together with them and then starting the cycle again. Some of the dudes they were with were kinda funny, there was a scene with a jazz band, and I like jazz so I liked the scene. The names of the songs they played were pretty messed up, like "Dont Litter On the Streets Of Philadelphia" and it actually sounded good. Anyway after being such a happy and clean movie at the very end this one chick gets drugged and raped (film made in 1960) and then goes walking the streets and nearly gets hit by a car. For some reason I found this hilarious. The movie ended at around 2:30 am, it didnt really seem this late due to time dilation, the peak went by really slow and the comedown really fast. I went to sleep at 3 am and had no trouble falling asleep like acid. I also didnt feel really "off" the next day like acid. Overall I'd say my first trip was one of the best experiences of my life.
  17. lucyinthesky

    lucyinthesky Tie Dyed Soul

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    AAAHHH *covers eyes*
    i'm going to try so hard not to read a single post in this thread because reading stories about mushrooms makes me crave them so bad it hurrrrrrrrrts!!!
  18. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    lol, since when where mushrooms known to be addictive?
  19. lucyinthesky

    lucyinthesky Tie Dyed Soul

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    it's not that they're addictive, i just LOVE being on them so much. Reading stories about shrooms gets me jazzed to do them, and then i can't and it hurrrrrts my feeeeeeelings :(
  20. sacrament32

    sacrament32 Member

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    Wow hippieatheart lauren must not be the luckiest tripper in the world

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