Should women have equal rights?

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by Luvrgrl, May 8, 2004.

  1. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    hehe ok :)
  2. feministhippy

    feministhippy Member

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  3. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    ok..I'm going to do it..

    I'm going to say....


    Don't shoot me yet, at least hear me out first. Equal is fine, superior would be better ;)

    BUT my problem is with women in the frontlines of war and the draft.

    I honestly don't think mothers should be out getting killed, it's mothers and women that have kept our families together since the beginning of time.

    If we kill off most of the men in a major catastrophic war, biologically one mans sperm could (via sperm bank) create thousands and thousands of babies to bring on the next generation.
    BUT if you kill off almost all the men and all the women... the very few women left could probably only produce 2 or so kids in their life (I can't imagine going back to the days of having 10 kids, can you?)...and most of those babies will probably die from cancer (we are talking post massive war)
    Hence extinction of the species and I happen to LIKE this species.

    Ok..I'm done, you can fire now ;)
  4. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    as long as defending the nation falls in the hands of men, men will always be superior.
  5. feministhippy

    feministhippy Member

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    That's kind of an outragious situation, though. Not every man and every woman will go to war, it just wont ever happen.
  6. renee

    renee Member

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    Women blabbin about how they don't have as much rights as men annoys the heck out of me.... Gets very IRRITATING after a while.
  7. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    Its the ability to be drafted. Thats what i am talking about. While that responsbility falls into the hands of men...why should we honestly be equal? You cant tell me that i am better at pulling a trigger than any other woman. There are plenty of women who are in better shape than me who would make better soldiers.
  8. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    Umm.. the "ability" to be drafted isn't a choice, you're drafted, you go and you die. And yes, you can TRY to be a concientious objector, but unless you can PROVE that you have lived the life of one, they're sending you off to be killed without your choice or consent.

    If that's "equal" rights to you, yay, but please don't force your CHOICES on others by helping to put MANDATORY LAWS into effect that will send me away from my babies and into war to be killed, leaving them motherless.

    A choice is no longer a choice or a right once it's a law, it's no longer a choice when it takes the choices of others away.
  9. retrofishie

    retrofishie Senior Member

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    I believe that in the obvious areas men and women should have equal rights, such as insurance, schooling etc...

    but it's like when there are two kids in the family, there are two sets of rules, not a double standard just the same rules accomodated for the individuals. it is unrealistic to hire a 95 lbs. woman as a heavy machine opperator when you have a muscular man applying for the same job, it just doesn't make sense. I live in canada and car insurance is different for boys then it is for girls, not because the gov't doesn't like boys, it's just statistics, just like insurance is higher for red cars, higher for red sport vehicles and even higher still for red sport trucks.

    so what i'm saying is discrimination is wrong but not to be confused with common sense or practicality.
  10. CckBlocking

    CckBlocking Member

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    I know that women are not equal with men in any country. Here in America though, we get it a lot better than other females. Sometimes I get mad at women complaining about how hard American women have it. It seems sometimes they neglect women in worse situations than their own.
    Maybe as a group men over power women, but individually a strong women who knows what she is doing can overpower many men (emotionally not physically).

    "men may be the head, but women are the neck that turns the head"

  11. renee

    renee Member

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    Can't stand some women, too vain. Once upon a time when women used to be humble.... *sigh*
  12. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    I dont think they are allowing anymore CO's...they will just put you in a non violent position like doctor.

    Yes. Equality is about equal rights and EQUAL RESPONSBILITY. Until women can be drafted, we are NOT equal. You dont want to be sent away to war? Then dont ask to be equal. You are more than happy to send me away to war and possibly leaving a kid without a father..but thats alright, right?
  13. FreakyJoeMan

    FreakyJoeMan 100% Batshit Insane

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    Heh, even black DUDES don't get paid as much as white dudes. So there's my thing about the wage difference.
  14. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    No, I'm not happy with any of it, but you'd like to make it worse now and kill off everyone?
    Mothers stick with their children and support them a WHOLE lot more than men do. Men get up and leave their children behind 95% more than women do. So, yes, for the childrens sake, put away your ideals of men running all the single parent households and foster centers taking care of the children that have lost both their mother AND their father or whose fathers have thrown them away for lack of a maternal instinct.

    You're not giving women rights by sending them off to die, you're taking away their right to live. If that's equal, umm... then no, I don't want to be treated like cannon fodder, thank you.
  15. zaila

    zaila Member

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    That's a good point but a draft always has a number of legal exemptions. For example, in WWI widowers with dependent children were exempt from the draft. It wouldn't be difficult to provide an exemption for single mothers.

    If a war's that catastrophic, I can only imagine it'd involve nuclear weapons and in that case millions of women will die anyway.

    As a female veteran, I am in favor of conscription in general and also in favor of drafting single women with no kids. Here's why:

    1.) The US society is seriously out of touch with the military. Only about 1/3 of our lawmakers have served in the military. These are the same people who declare war and make decisions about veterans' benefits. It's a little too easy to start a war when it's someone else's kids, when most of the population doesn't have to make any sacrifices, and when it's an all-volunteer force.

    2.) I served in the 90's, and at that time there was still a pretty decent percentage of males in the military who clearly thought that women don't belong there and were quite vocal about it. These guys take that out on the individual women who are serving beside them, who want to serve their country and are just trying to get their job done. Honestly if I had known about the prevalence of that attitude before I enlisted, I wouldn't have joined. But my point is, if the percentage of women reaches 30% or more, that kind of hostility should ease up a bit.

    3.) Most of the services are facing a staffing shortage.

    4.) Most of the services recruit using educational benefits and training to get people to join (I think the Marines at least still have some sense of honor and duty to their ads, last I checked). As a result, most of the people in the military come from low-income backgrounds. It's not right to have mostly poor people fight our wars for us.

    5.) The military really does teach some good values, one of which is a sense of service to something other than yourself. It wouldn't hurt to teach people to be a little less selfish, IMO.

    6.) I honestly thought military discipline was pretty lax when I was in. Maybe that was just my squadron. But if I'm correct in my suspicion that it's a widespread problem, I feel that if we brought back more *yelling* it would improve our military. I'd really like to see personnel go back to refresher versions of basic training once a year (maybe for 2 weeks instead of 6). You have to yell at people who have been drafted.
  16. Willow-Bridget-Love

    Willow-Bridget-Love Member

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    i think that woman and man are NOT Ying and Yang, it is not opposite, the opposite of Man is Anti-Man, not Woman.. someone once said(i forget who)"the opposite to Cat is not dog, it is Anti-Cat"

    Equal rights for everyone, the population is Large enough that if there was a draft with Woman and men, there would be plenty of women and men left to survive... War.. is shitty.. but im sure sometimes it is nessesary... alot of the time, they can be avoided though..
  17. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    Thats not always the case, there are some lousy mothers out there, and there are some very tender fathers.

    To intimate that one parent is more important or needed by a child than the other is wrong imo.

    On conscription, I very much doubt that if women and men were to be drafted equally that both would be. One would think that either the mother or the father would have good grounds to be allowed to remain behind and take care of their children, I'm not quite sure how they would decide who would go and who would stay, possibly in that scenario it would be the father, or the fitest and most qualified of the two, or the parent that is least responsible for the majority of the childcare duties within the relationship (which may well be the mother if she is at work all day while the father stays at home). If it's simply a question of leaving behind children then why should a father be drafted out to war, and a single childless female not be? Indeed why should anyone be drafted out to war while others are immune? Why does one gender have any more of a right to live or right to die than any other?

    However Megara is right, where men are drafted to war and women are not, men will be superior, simply because when it comes down to the nitty gritty it will be the men that will dictate, enforce and maintain power, by force, in war.
  18. Oldgypsy

    Oldgypsy Member

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    One of the really big reasons why women have not had the same rights as men, especially to get into the top company boardrooms, and top echelons of politics, etc has nothing to do with men being physically stronger and nothing to do with men being soldiers defending the country. It has to do with women finding it very difficult to control their fertility; a baby was always coming along at the worst time, usurping the woman's life and limiting what she could do in other areas. Well, we have much better methods of birth control now, but a woman who wants to be a mother STILL has a terrible time meeting all the commitments of child care and a job and her other interests. Unless we want no kids born, we need to seriously address issues of child care and education before women will ever have truly equal status in employment, in politics, in other fields. Meanwhile, some politicos want to limit access to abortion - even access to birth control. (Abortion should be LAST DITCH BUT women MUST have the right to it in order to have control over their fertility and the other rights women have won do not mean ANYTHING without that control.) Most of THOSE politicos are men; they KNOW that if they keep women barefoot and pregnant, they don't have to worry about tripping over women in their hallowed boardrooms and offices and they still have a local cheap labor pool.
  19. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    What issues exactly do you propose we need to address concerning child care and education?

    Also...isnt abstinance(sp?) a means to control fertility?
  20. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    I dunno what the situation is like in the U.S. but in Britain we need better provisions for childcare for working parents, whether it be the provision of a crèche at work, or more working tax credits to pay for private childcare (this would include after school clubs as well as nurseries) or more flexible working hours for parents whose children are of a school age.

    They also need to introduce paternity leave which currently fathers don’t get, however I believe they are working on a bill to correct this which would allow fathers time off work following the birth of a child.

    There also needs to be better safeguards in place for pregnant women, regarding their job security but the attitude of most employers (and I can’t fault them for it) is that they simply cannot afford (time or money wise) to promote women to positions of senior authority where these women may then find themselves having to take 6 months to a years leave following the birth of a child. This then places the employer in the situation where a not so indispensable member of their staff needs to be replaced, which in turn requires time and resources to advertise, interview, select and then train the right replacement for the job etc.

    And because such senior jobs cannot remain un-filled, the employer then faces the problem of what post to give the woman once she is ready to return to work, do they give the new mother her old job back and demote / transfer / or otherwise get rid of her replacement? And if so, being that she is lucky enough to get her old position back, the employer then faces the task of bringing her back up to speed. As such she may then need to be re-trained (depending on the length of her absence) so that her skills and the information that she needs in order to carry out her job to the same level that she had done so prior to her pregnancy, are up to date. This again causes disruption to the company as well as using up its time and money.

    Had the employer given a man the post in the first place, the chances are they would not have to deal with any of these disruptions, unless the man of course was a waste of space and got himself fired or ended up leaving or was unable to carryout the job to a satisfactory level.

    Sigh I really wish some bright spark would come up with a way to allow women to be both mothers and be every bit as successful as men (career wise) but it’s hard to see how that can be possible, without an understanding company and a lot of determination on the mothers part. That’s not to say that there aren’t professionally working mothers out there, because there are lots, but they prolly aren’t in the top 1% of senior management etc.

    In response to these issues career minded women are either choosing not to have children at all or to have fewer children later in life, once they have either had their careers or their careers are more or less secured and this is leading to a fall in population growth in the U.K.

    [font=&quot]Oh well Maggie Thatcher did it :p

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