Should Philosophy Be Studied In High School?

Discussion in 'Metaphysics and Mysticism' started by Ged, Nov 3, 2018.

  1. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    They should show The Brain series by David Eagleman in all schools too.

    I might have mentioned this before and I probably will again.
  2. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    I remember Dr. Sceski's logic class at uni when this came up. Just about every student raised their hand with an example intended to dispute the law. Unfailingly he'd address each one, "You're referring to different points in time..." "those are different respects..."
    Without it we might as well not even get out of bed in the morning. Both nothing and everything might be true and false simultaneously, rendering any attempt to seek what is as ultimately futile.
  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I thought about this again within the context of production/directorship of television series. It's interesting when the characters have to weigh these philosophical equations... whether to save their own life or that of their child who has been kidnapped for ransom. Television and cinema give us an opportunity to express our inclinations about such issues. A true mode of philosophical expression!
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Descartes' problem is that western culture goes to elaborate lengths to avoid discussing bullshit. Feynman said, "We are attempting to prove ourselves wrong as fast as we can, for only in that way can we hope to make faster progress". Sun Tzu said know thy enemy, and that means comprehending their lowbrow slapstick.
  5. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    But what *is* homework?
    guerillabedlam likes this.
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    in an open and non-authoritative way, absolutely why not?
  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Why do they call it homework anyway? It's not like you're working on your home.
    guerillabedlam and Noserider like this.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    to the extent that your planet is your extended home, in a way you are (working on your home)
  10. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
  11. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I took philosophy in college and, while interesting, got nothing useful out of it. They should instead teach parenting, birth control methods and personal finance. A class on pulling up one's pants, wearing a cap properly and finding a job would be nice too.
  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Parenting, birth control, and personal finance should be taught in our secondary schools, not colleges.

    Those subjects should be covered in depth in mandatory Home Economic and Health classes before high school graduation. Only 69.7% of all high school graduates in the U.S. enrolled in an accredited college in 2017. That leaves over 30% who would have no idea what birth control is.
  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I feel like Philosophy is more of an elective, and that the focus in high school should be on general education; the nitty gritty math, history, science, and English. That sort of thing.
  14. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    Mmm... i guess i don't see much importance in it to see it as a mandatory subject.
  15. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Keep in mind, some philosophers were essentially multi-faceted experts of their day, some were really accomplished scientists and mathematicians.

    Philosophy has some very practical and useful applications to other paradigms today, for instance computer programming.
    This basic type of if-else conditional statement in the javascript panel below, which based on the truthiness of the conditions, "decides" the output read in the string sentence panel is taught in philosophy. While it can be understood through math too, for some who are more linguistic oriented, the philosophical approach to learning such statements might be more comprehensible compared to the math approach. Kind of analogous to visual learners vs verbal learners.

    Obviously one could just take Computer programming to learn it but syntax can vary between different computer languages, so having a foundational understanding of the concepts can be useful and that is something that extends into the realm of philosophy.

    Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 8.39.50 AM.png
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018

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