Should People Who Make False Rape Allegations Be Required To Register As Sex Offenders

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by pickleweed, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. pickleweed

    pickleweed Members

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    [SIZE=medium]Should people who make false rape allegations be required to register as sex offenders? Isn't someone who makes a false rape allegation a dangerous sexual predator, just like any other dangerous sexual predator? Doesn't the public have the right to know who's a dangerous sexual predator? Doesn’t an employer have the right to know who’s a dangerous sexual predator?[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=medium]For example, lets say a man makes a false rape allegation against a women, shouldn't that man be arrested for a sex crime and therefore be required to register as a sex offender.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=medium]Isn't a false rape allegation worse than peeing on a tree. If someone can be a sex offender for peeing on a tree, shouldn't they be also be a sex offender if they make a false rape allegation???[/SIZE]
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Not Sex Offender Registration.

    Offensive Sex didn't happen.

    Not that it wouldn't be handy to have a list but I think it would have to be under another heading.

    They are predators but not Sexual Predators.
  3. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    It should be a crime, but it would be hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Failing to prove a rape accusation falls far short of proving that it didn't happen.
  4. broony

    broony Banned

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    Is this a case of innocent tell proven guilty or guilty tell proven innocent?
  5. SuperPsychMe

    SuperPsychMe Member

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    I had a friend whose life was ruined by this. Lost all of his money and friends and then she finally came out as the aggressor at the last minute. I think it should be a crime 100 percent and there should be a "They cry rape list"
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  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    False reporting is criminal, but usually a mere misdemeanor.
    Compared to the felony the accused faced.

    I'm ambivalent about registries.
    If it is so important to know John down the block is a rapist, isn't it equally important to know Pat across the way was convicted of spousal abuse? Or the cable guy is a killer?

    Why is a sexual offense so much more heinous than murder in the sense that a murderer can serve her 20 years and walk, without having to check in with police after parole requirements are met?

    Rape is hell. Those who use sex as a power tool deserve to do time.
    Rape accusations are hell, and those who file false cases, or better yet, the LEOs who spend time "flushing out more victims," need to face the law, too.
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  7. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Its something that always makes me shake my head

    I'll be the one to say it. Compared to what? Getting your head hacked off with a knife, getting maimed for the rest of your life in a car wreck. Even just getting your shoulder dislocated, that hurts like a mofo
  8. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    I think that's micromanaging. It would be enough to restore due process against the best advice of the feminist and PC lobby and stop spoiling women rotten. Although I would like to see loser pays winner's trial and lawyer fees in *all* lawsuits.
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  9. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    The sex offence laws in Britain are rather fucked up.
    You get celebrity/political paedos getting away with it for decades. And gagging the internet against naming them/letting witnesses share evidence.
    They also gag people who made false allegations that were believed in bullshit Courts hearings.

    I knew someone who was the vctim of a made up rape allegation. It was his ex mrs who made it up to get custody of the kid. She finally admitted it, AFTER he'd been in custody for months before the trial.

    Then you have people on the sex offences register for stuff that isnt actually sex offences. For instance a student gets his drink spiked wit acid and runs round the bar with his clothes off. Or kids sending nude pics to each other.

    I remember reading about a 14yr old girl who worked as a hooker. Her teacher found out about her job. He said it was cos she was carrying a load of condoms in her bag.
    But TBH its just as likely thathe was her client. Anyway she made 150k out of it. And the authorities confiscated ALL the money they found, because of the "Proceeds of Crime Act". So she was committing a "crime" against herself. What a load of garbage!

    Finally, one sex crime that isnt classed as a sex crime in Britain, is the promotion of various different types of sexual prefernces. Schools are now promoting homosexuality to 5yr olds. But they cant advice on anything regarding the mechanics or issues of heterosexual sex to 15 or 16 yr olds. What bullshit!
  10. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    As chera said, just restore and carry out due process.

    But, if someone can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt (and of course, law enforcement and prosecutors should try.... like that'd happen) to have made a false allegation that resulted in any loss of freedom or property (arrested, paid lawyers, etc) of the individual they accused, they should face giant restitution and some large multiple of that time locked up.

    Usually the legal system should just exist to keep the public safe, not "punish" people. But people who manipulate the legal system to harm others should be in a different class, should face severe punishment for punishment's sake.
  11. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i recently watched a small info-doc about Stinson was pretty interesting you should check it out if youre not familiar with his cause ...he has a website easy to find
  12. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    I do not think they should be added to the registry as that is not what it is for.

    I do think that they should be publicly exonerated though as to be charged and then found innocent is often buried and not news worthy. There should also be restitution made to that person for reasonable damage to their reputations and finances.
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    makes about as much sense, and outside of exceptional cases, just about as difficult to reliably determine.
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    You are doubting that it would be worse to get raped than getting your shoulder dislocated?
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Physical pain, yes
  16. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Who said physical pain is what makes rape so traumatic?
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  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yes, well, unfortunately.....just wait, give it 10/20 years until he's up on those charges himself.

    Might seem to be the White Knight at the moment, but you got to ask why is he so interested in the subject, and currently he's spending too much time over time involved in the subject.

    Its kind of how it really works.

    Not better for the greater good if they have no interest, but I'm more likely to be less suspicious if they have no interest in the subject
  18. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I was baiting so someone would say something like that.

    I think a lot of guys dont get really get why its so bad (relatively speaking), or they think you are talking about physical pain, or to try and rationalize it try and imagine if it was some big hairy guy that forced them. Emotional trauma?, they dont really get what you are talking about

    Its something they are not supposed to talk about never question it, so those questions never get answered,they just fill in the gaps with their own assumptions

    Then the way it pops up in the media, anything to do with sex gets more attention, so some story thats not even about rape, "sexual assault" where it was just some guy exposing himself gets a bigger section further to the front of the paper than a story about some kid getting beaten to death by his/her parents

    Sex vs Violence, its bizarre

    Some date rape situation, is that really worse in relation to some of the horrible injuries some spend the rest of their lives with as a result of car wrecks, or what happens to too many kids the world over, I mean really? And yet a lot of the time they will spend more time in jail for date rape vs the drunk driver that wipes out, mames a whole family, or a parent that abuses a kid till it dies
  19. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You make very good points. Media attention is directed where it typically get the most ratings so maybe the world in general has more of a fascination with sex crimes than other crimes. Not saying this is right but sometimes it's just the way it is.

    What I don't understand about your post is this...

    Why would you want to bait for a reaction before making your points?

    People are so complex.
  20. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    If anything they would be a "cry wolf offender." Not a sex offender
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