should I stop talking to her?

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by iammatt, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. iammatt

    iammatt Guest

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    Hello everyone I'm gonna keep this short as possible. I recently have been hanging out with this female she is a registered nurse with a busy sceduale I hung out with her twice it seemed to went well , but when I texted her about hanging out this weekend she has had other plans with family church etc. She replied to me and I said I will let you know if I get freed up. With that being said that sent out a red light to me that she is blowing me off at this point. Because if a women wants to hang out they will make time. So what I'm going to do is not text her anymore and wait for her to text me and if she doesn't I clearly got my answer that was my gut instinct. I clearly do not put all my eggs in the same basket keep em spread out. That's how I roll. Any comments advice welcome thanks.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Lol okay, if that's how you roll, why do you need any advice?

    Perhaps she has family affairs to attend to that is beyond your comprehension because you appear to be appropriately misguided by this "if a women wants to hang out she will make time" nonsense.
  3. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Maybe you've hung out with her twice so her world doesn't revolve around you yet. Or maybe the second time you guys hung out she picked up on the "if she wants to hang out she will make time" vibe and decided that was enough to brush you off. I'm just thinking out loud here.....
  4. drawinginblank

    drawinginblank Member

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    Well it seems like you guys just started hanging out. She probably really does have plans and is not sure. Give her a little space.
  5. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    The best thing to do early on in a relationship to put someone off is to come across as clingy and needy! Looks like you nailed it so now it will be easy for you to roll on.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i assume she blew you off because she heard you say "that's how i roll."
  7. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Well if you really like her and are interested in her then I wouldn't suggest you stop talking to her. If you like to play games though, then you should stop talking to her and maybe she if she messages you.. :rolleyes:
    If she stops responding all together then that probably means she isn't interested in you.
  8. LM2014

    LM2014 Member

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    You sound very young and immature. Her life doesn't revolve around you and she's not going to drop everything to spend time with you. She had other plans and she's sticking to it. She is an independent woman. Good for her!

    She didn't say anything to blow you off. She said she's busy and if her schedule changes, she will let you know. IF you are sincerely interested in her as a person, you can text her back saying you understand and would like to make plans with her one day the following week if she is available. (Her schedule might be "set in stone" for the next couple of weeks because of work.) If so, don't be put off if she doesn't have free time. If she's not interested, she will tell you.

    If you spread out all your eggs, someone might stomp on them. Better to keep them safe in a basket :) If you never take steps to commit (not that you are anywhere near that stage right now), you are missing out on a different type of relationship.
  9. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    Well she is a nurse so shes going to be busy for the rest of her working career, hate to tell you.

    I think you shouldnt give up quite yet but from the sounds of it, you may only get time to see her while shes doing other things at the same time, like going to church or seeing family. I mean if you guys get serious that is.

    Honestly she sounds like a keeper if you got her, good job, probably wouldnt nag you all the time cuz shes just as busy herself, giving you a lot of free time which all men need
  10. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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