I'm friends with this girl have been for about a year been trying to figure out how to get her to go out with me well today I actually asked her out and her response was "I thought you were gay?" Should I be upset I mean I'm a straight male what vibe could I possibly be giving off that says gay?
Sounds like she might have been just looking for an excuse, or to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.
If she's very conservative, I recommend "I'm not sure, could you help me figure it out?" Christian chicks are very quick to put out to save a soul, so she gets to walk away feeling good too.
thanks for the advice and I'm sorry I suppose I didn't make it clear enough that I'm NOT gay by stating in my original post that I'm a straight male so I guess I'll reiderate I AM NOT GAY, I AM A STRAIGHT MALE clear enough?
your plan - Me: Hey whats your name Her: Tessa Me: Cool wanna go out, ya somehow I doubt that would go over very well lol
"A fool and his pussy are soon parted." The point is to play off your friends comfort zone, and tell her your curious. It's a chance to pull yourself out of platonic street by teasing her. I had a lisp in high school. It's not a dealbraker, unless your weird about it.