i'm sorry but you look nothing like a librarian.....cute...sexy...but definetly not a librarian and i find this concept of the naughty librarian very disturbing because.....my mom is a librarian......
haha yeah but u gotta give me credit for trick or treating at 16 years old. im librarian in the summer so its kinda an inside joke
whenever i wear glasses people tell me id be a great naughty librarian... at least i have a possible career option if writing doesnt work out
definetly give you credit for trick or treating at your age....i stopped when i was hmmm....12 or something....can't remember...hehe....
You have beautiful skin. And as far as trick-or-treating at your age...I went when I was 20...hahaha.
I still dress up for Halloween. I usually go out dancing, not trick-or-treating, however. And to see KJ in that little costume... yeah, that would definitely be a TREAT!
Gotta love librarians...doesn't matter what you do..you can do anything you want, but they always make you do it quietly!