my dog looking for something to be naughty with, my friend who's last few boyfriends have all been over 6 foot 5 (and the fact her current bf has got a tattoo of a fish skelenton on his back!!!), a few of the posts on these forums, chatting to a few friends and im sure alot else but luckily i don't have to remember when i laugh
arg watching LOADS of plays by all the guys at college, HILLARIOUS!! lol aaaaandoh yea the image of Jaycee lieing on a sun bed with his boss "doing work" :S :S :S (somebody needs to give that boy a good kick up the a hole lazy buger)
* My best friend Dan making fun of the fact that I had a German 'oral' exam with 'role plays' * Anna dancing on the table * Attacking my brother with a pen and writing David <3 Saskia all over his arms and neck and collapsing in a fit of giggles
The fact that I got out of chemistry to rehearse for my drama exam tomorrow Falling over in the middle of the technical rehersal
my friends at tibet society talking to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche about my life and things in general a duck walking through the meadows lost having my last ever celtic civ lecture and not managing to get an exemption the pain of my sunburn and muscles after playing frissbbee all day yesterday... namaste x x x
That's reminded me... The ducks who have set up home in the school yard and have been there since at least 3pm yesterday afternoon (2 guys & a girl )
My friend Jake coming to school in a skirt and running down the hallway screaming "penis!!!!!!" Reading Sal's little story in the BJ thread Hearing a hockey instructer talk about 'being on top of the guys (it was a battle of the sexes hockey game) having good stick control and ball handling' Being tickled to death by my friend Jake who was still in a skirt. Watching my friends Matt and Collin swing from branch to branch across 3 crab apple trees in the school year during lunch. My friends Amanda and I started singing the Tarzon song... we all crumbled in laugther it was great...
Flinging old cd's around the common room like frisbees with my 2 best friends at the end of school, when everyone had gone, and some of them accidentaly flying out of the window. On to the main road. From the second floor. And also my friend's psychology homework: are you in the anal stage of psychosexual development?
Danny putting his card into the cash machine, drawing out a tenner, taking his card out and then walking off leaving the tenner in the machine....
yup the meadows is my walk to uni everyday...looking amazing right now with all the cherry blossem. will miss this walk next yeear-well june!! ahhh! when i move to dalkeith road.....but then i have an awesome view of the foot of arthurs seat so all is not lost. showmet how long you live in edin for? namaste x x x