"hear o israel --- the lord our god is one!" ~ this is the prayer or affirmation that all believing jews are instructed to recite daily (or more often, mmmkay?) ~ ~ "you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood" --- the jews are called not to convert the world, but to bear witness to the world that the creator is one being... ~ ("and why is it that you are studying the tongue of the hebrews, ian?" "och, soon when i go to meet my maker, i wish to be able to greet him in his own language!") ~ shalom
shalom... isn't it said in the prophet Isaiah chapter 49 6 he says: "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth." How is this to be fulfilled do you think?
imho, one way is that more and more of us goyim (the "gentile nations") who are practicing christians (& not "perfect christians, hehheh...) are becoming more aware of the essential jewishness of the one acclaimed (by chrstians) as the annointed one (christos = massiach)... & the muslim peoples (in spite of too-common antipathy towards jews, and towards christians as well) follow their understanding of "the one god" back to abraham (through hagar rather than sarah...)
Shalom I totally agree, except I may be misunderstanding you...the line of 'promise' is through the 'wife' Sarah, not the concubine/the slave-woman Hagar, even though G_d saw her and had mercy on her and her son Ishmael. But Yeshua came through the line of Isaac. I have perhaps misunderstood.
There is little "essential Jewishness" of Jesus. Check out Jacob Neusner's book, "A Rabbi Talks with Jesus." To quote from Neusner himself, "In this book, I explain in a very straightforward and unapologetic way why, if I had been in the Land of Israel in the first century, I would not have joined the circle of Jesus' disciples." It does a great deal to illustrate the lack of "Jewishness" in what Jesus said. b'Shalom.
To sum up these websites, "Too often the words of Yeshua are studied and interpreted through western philosophy rather than from an eastern philosophy. As the ancient Hebrews (from the patriarchs to the end of the first century CE) are classified as Orientals, their philosophy is closer to that of the east than to our own Greco-Roman culture." While the Hebrews were Eastern, and Judaism has far more in common with Eastern religions than it does with Western philosophy, Christianity does not fall into that category. The fact is, the early Christians had a hell of a hard time converting the Jews. They adapted their message, their teachings, and their religion into something palatable to the Romans and other Western peoples, thus making prostelytization easier. The fact remains, there simply is no such thing as "Judeo-Christian" values or thought. They are two extremely different world-views. b'Shalom.
It is, in essence, the Jewish "Om" meditation. When reciting the Kiryat Shema (the Shema and its corresponding set of blessings) one is to recite the first line out loud (Shema Yisrael, Ha-Shem Elo-keinu, Ha-Shem echad, meaning Listen, Israel, God (the specific name of God) is the Lord, God is one), followed by the second line under one's breath (Baruch shem kavod malchuto l'olam vaed, Blessed be the name for ever and ever). Everyone has there own way of reciting the first line, their own tune, etc... Different minhags have different styles... My personal style, taught to me by one far more learned than I, is to recite each word on its own breath. Breath in, "Shema......." breath in again, "Yisrael........." and so on. It's extremely cleansing, and a wonderful way to begin and end one's day. b'Shalom.
Kriyat Shma, not Kiryat Shma. Kriyat literally means "the reading of" Kiryat means of "the wall of" but means city, as in Kiryat Shmona, Kiryat Arba, and many other cities in Israel. btw...jesus was jewish, but he didnt teach jewish religion/values. If he did, there wouldnt be any christians.
Apparently my typing schools pale in comparison to my Hebrew skills. Transliterated correctly, I assume it would actually be K'riyat, as (at least in the academic world) typically the sh'va gets an apostrophe... The point being, that the term "koof, reysh, yud, tav, space, shin, mem, nun" is what I am referencing.