She has a boyfriend

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by sacasa, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. sacasa

    sacasa Guest

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    Known her since I was 11, now I'm 20 and she's 21. And it wasn't even a problem for me until she and this guy started going out. She had less time for me and that fucked me up, then we stopped talking for months because I was depressed and she wasn't contacting me at all, then she wouldn't initiate any conversation with me, but every time I did manage to see her after several weeks or months of being pushed to the side because of her boyfriend I would fall straight back in love with her. And I just love and admire this girl so much even when it seems like she's pushing me away. And I just don't know what to do because she's so important to me but I don't feel like I can or should tell her how I feel because our friendship would just die right there and I ca't handle that.

    This was supposed to be a reply to another thread, but I don't know what happened. Hope this isn't too annoying lol
  2. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    So it sounds like she likes men and you dont.
    This might cause issues in your friendship if you confront her, especially that your in love.

    I know Id be freaked out if my bf told me that
  3. sacasa

    sacasa Guest

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    Yeah, theres no way I can ever imagine actually telling her. I just miss seeing her so much and I get jealous of her boyfriend because he spends every night at her place and I see her maybe once every 3 weeks? i don't want to intrude in her life, but man it sucks to have her in my life so little when I really have such a thing for her.
  4. abigailV

    abigailV Guest

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    I think you may need to take some time off from this friendship of yours and go after available women that want to be with you.

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