This time is ended,a new and golden path is well lit and full of the sparks from embers of love in the night sky.Crystalized truths flow thru the river of passion and knowledge sparkles with eternal fantasia. The past is not gone, merely a place to visit,so as not to take our freedoms for granted. This is a message for all who see The peace,security,truths to be. Passionate kisses of kindness are we. I love everything,everyone and all that is and has.... Life.
It is thru the unconditional and unmeasureable passionate love,that the true word for humanity will be heard.
Softly whisper words of hope It really helps, to help us cope We see no future at certain times We only see the shops with lines
The new beginning is at hand To spread this love across the land Our hearts are filled with joyfull GleeFor all to see eternity