If a tiger shark bites you he'll spit out whatever he bit--most likly. I've been diving and had 15' tiger sharks headed back out to sea for the day. Sometimes they panic, but more often than not they ignore you. You'd have to be a real cold water swimming to get eaten by a great white. The feed on seals and dead whales...They do not eat the meat off a whale, They selectively feed on the blubber. Bull sharks are another another matter. In Cambodia/Vietnam they have been seen eating children at local swimming holes 20kl up stream. Other sharks like hammer heads give birth in fresh water. It's what humans do to sharks that should scare us.
Right, so if I come across a tiger shark I shouldn't worry because if it takes my leg it'll spit it back out? Fuck kinda thought process is that? Also it's not that great white eat seals over humans, it's that from directly underneath, a great white can think the a human is a large seal, especially for the fools in black wetsuit. They've done many tests and great whites will more than likely attack something of dark color than a light color. But it's not always the case. As with any fish, if they're hungry they're hungry and they will attack and bite to fill a craving. Not that I think they should be getting a bad reputation or anything, but I wouldn't go out of my way to think that just because humans aren't their sought after choice of meat that it doesn't happen. =\
One thing I want to do in my life is shark cage diving with Great Whites. I think you can do off South Africa and South Australia. Probably places in California too. I think it'd be an epic experience.
Sorry Irminsul--I was not responding to you. No harm in cage diving. IT'S AN EPIC EXPERIQNCE and you can do it at point Reyes north of SF. I was there last month. tiger sharks eat baby hammer heads and even mothers that can be twice their size, injured fish, and green sea turtles. They feed in merkey water, in the very early morning usually at a river mouth were the hamer head babys which are turtles (most sharks give live birth) sea turtles like to dig in under the organic matter that is warm from the process of bacteria decay. It creates a dark very fine silt. Skates, and rays do the same thing. If you get bit by a tiger shark it's almost always because your boggy boarding, or surfing in or near river mouths. Or along shore lines after flash floods or 40 to 50' surf. Follow a few simple rules and you'll never be lucky enough to see a tiger shark. Humans on surf or boggie boards create a silent that looks like a turtle from below. I was on the beach the morning Bethany Hamilton who was about 12 at the time lost her arm. Toda she is ranked in the top 3 in her age group in the world as a surfer. You may see her on the commercial for a topical joint pain reliever. The only other case I've seen was much worse, the shark went for what looks like shell and took a good chunk of abdomen. He spit it out and the trama surgeon was able to put him together again with minimal damage. After every tiger shark attack well meaning fishermen will target tiger sharks and will catch and toss back dead--20 to 40 tiger sharks with a by catch of hundreds of other spices. It generally takes 20yrs before a shark large enough to do any damage are around. Niether of these people blame the shark. It's just being a shark and encounters are easily avoided. If you see the shark coming--hit him in the nose. It's the equivalent of kicking it in the balls. evolution Sharks have been around for 250 million years with no evolution. They are the most perfect organism on the planet. Humans were little more than hairless apes until about 50,OOO years ago, and didn't become the self predatory spices we are until the end of the last ICE AGE. 10,000 yrs back. I've done research for the UN through NOAA on Japaness drift net fisheries. Some days we tossed 100s of dead blue fine sharks over board, but the shark fin fishery in asia where they belive the fin makes men more virulent is a crime--literally in most countrys. The meat and fins are actually toxic to different degrees and the fins cause enlarged breast and contain high levels of botox. Once again sorry Irminsul--this was in response to relaxx
I like how we go on about Shark attacks and any animal that attacks US, Humans. Whether it is a Shark, Dog, Snake etc. We should be answering why WE Humans attack anything that moves even our own species. Animals see us as animals not Humans. If we look like a seal on our surfboard well then the shark will think the same and run on instinct, because they (animals) don't know when they will eat next. We have hands and eyes, sharks have instinct and 3 rows of 100+ serrated teeth to "see" their food Still you are likely to get struck by lightning then eaten by a Shark. I'd take my chances on a surf board in the Indian Ocean then a pack of Marlboro cigs or driving for that matter lol I believe most animals can distinguish between us being food or not and nobody has ever died being "Hunted" by an animal. Granted there are the odd case here and there but on the whole,no.