Baby Jesus cries and the offender's dick falls off. Oh you meant the statue... Lol c'mon that's ridiculous.
Remember the old testament story of Job? “Job became very sick. His body was covered with sores. He wished he had not been born’
If i recall right porn had little to do with that, hotwater In fact, didn't Yob try to do everything 'right' (or by what he believed to be Gods will)? And his faith/trust in God was tested in return.
Its clearly a human story. God and Satan arguing about Yobs faith and the Creator feeling the need to rape Yobs life in order to proof something to Satan... come on. God gets grossly misunderstood often
Should I post what I assume to be my background, or buy that AncestryDNA kit first so I'm 100% sure? Hate to find out I'm part Swedish and miss the opportunity to post cool pics of the women's ski team...