
Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by fundoo, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    just made this a broad topic so that anyone could contribute and share what works for them.

    But I have a couple of questions.
    1) anybody here use Dollylocks shampoos or other products?
    2) is the tightening spray worth it? does it work?

    3) Lush shampoo bars now-anyone use or know about these?
    4) I see that sodium lauryl sulfate is listed as one of the top ingredients...
    (I just realized this today after using it for almost a year)
    isn't this frowned upon with dreads though?

    I think that was it. Thanks!

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Funny That You Should Make This Post Just As I Was About To Wash My Dreads.

    Iv'e Never Used A Shampoo Of Any Type Just Baking Soda (bi-carbonate of soda) And Iv'e

    Been Using It For Over 6 Years And It Still Works Great.....No Dryness....No Itchy Scalp

    And No Dandruff....Can't Do Better Than That......[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
  3. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    awe! haha that's awesome! I wash them too frequently though and I feel like that might strip my hair. idk
    wait, do you do this under the shower head or do you soak them in a bucket or something?
    I've been wondering if I should...ah rats! I'm such a ...well I just have to do things the hard way. (partial dreads. like half dreads/half straight)
    so, showerhead is best for me to keep the sections separate. Ugh! I mean, I enjoy what i have, but why do I gotta be so difficult, eh? :)

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Just Got Back All Squeeky Clean......So This Is What I Do....

    Take A 1.25 Liter Coke Bottle.....Drink The Coke First.....Then...

    Drill A Hole In The Cap About 3mm....

    Buy Yourself A Plastic Funnel That Will Fit In The Bottle....

    Place About One Level Tablespoon Of Baking Soda In The Bottle And Fill

    It Almost To The Top With Warm Water.....Leave Just Enough Air So When You Shake The

    Bottle It Will Mix.

    Lightly Wet Your Hair Then Holding The Bottle Over Your Head With One Hand Work The

    Mixture Through The Dreads Squeezing To Make Sure It Gets To The Center.

    Wait For A Few Minutes Whilst You Wash Your Body.....Then Rinse...Squeeze....Rinse....Squeeze

    Until You Feel All The Solution Has Been Rinsed Out.


    Cheers Glen.
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  5. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Glenn, do you wash scalp and dreads each time?

    I ask because I scalp wash (non dreaded right now) once or twice a week, and length wash 1-2x a month.

    To OP, I can't see why sls would be a bad thing if you are still tightening locs. So long as it doesn't bother your scalp. If you have seborrheic dermatitis, it's almost a must. SD is sticky, clumping shedding of skin cells. Like cradle cap for adults.
    Or for occasional scenting.
    That said, I don't use my lush very often. And I use the trichtomania, coconut oil enriched, cut to size bar. Mainly for travel.

    Soap (such as dr bronner) and baking soda are basic chemical preparations. They will eventually rough up the cuticle of the hair, a bonus for straight to wavy haired people trying to loc up their hair.
    The huge benefit of baking soda is that if some gets left, nothing will colonize it. Soaps can grow fungus.
  6. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    Thank you so much for the great tips!! I don't have any problems (I think? sometimes dry maybe), but I just like the smell of it! :)

    Actually, I DO use Dollylocks liquid for my dreaded sections, because the Lush moisturizes the baby dreads too much. So it's quite the separating ordeal when washing, and some of the Lush gets in the dreads still, but what can I do. I do have a few more matured dreads that seem to like the moisturizing quality. I was thinking the Lush would be good for mature dreads honestly, when they won't be unraveling so much,-I DO know at least two others who've used it and they seem to have nice dreads...

    but as you've stated, mold prevention thing is good to think about. But the way I figure it, I do a wash one day, then the next day (like 2-3days later) I'll just do a rinse. And I hope that squeezes out any residue I may have missed. I have not had residue problems of any concern though since loosening up my crocheted dreads months ago. I did have that problem in the beginning, but it was a soap soap from an ?independent? seller.

    I wonder if the trichtomania bar would be a little too moisturizing for my case, but I am curious about the other scents so thanks for sharing! :)

    *forgot to say, that i have been using Seanick
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  7. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Sounds like my choices are too rich for dreads.
    What about JR Liggett's?
    When I use super fatted soap as shampoo, I get what I call waxes. It's a coating that feels heavy on my hair, again, not dreaded right now, and that coating might help with early dread frizzies.
    I balance them with apple cider vinegar.
  8. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    ok, not sure if this was a question or a suggestion.
    But i looked it up.
    And also found the old thread on HF from 2004 hehe :D
    But seems good. available. and cheap.
    Might try it! after I run out of these.

    October 10, 2005
    "I am an African-American woman with dreadlocks. I have struggled to find a shampoo to maintain my hair; I even disliked the products my hairdresser recommended. Your Dry Hair Formula has been my saving grace. I no longer need to use the oils, butters and pomades often recommended for kinky hair types. My dreadlocks are soft, supple and only require your shampoo--no conditioners or anything else. Please continue making your Dry Hair Shampoo bar product. I have even given it to friends and family as gifts. Nethea (internet)"

    "Gotta share this in hopes it might safe another dreaded soul from the 40-minute baking soda/ACV process in the shower many times a week."
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  9. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    I've used the Sea Nick and Big Shampoos from Lush with good results. I actually prefer the Big Shampoo as the texture of the actual sea salt crystals really does a good job exfoliating the scalp. The fact is that both are based on a mixture of seaweed, sea salt and citrus which are all ingredients in commercial dread tighteners I don't really worry so much about it. I soak about every four to six weeks depending on how my dreads smell. Once they stop smelling like the essential oils I use in my soak it is time to soak again.

    Rev J
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  10. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Oh, hippie soaps are fancy, according to the reddit link!

    I have the last of a Big bar sample around here. It doesn't hold up to actually being rubbed on the scalp for me. Turns to silly putty like stuff.

    My washing is based on a sniff test of scalp sebum.
    Highly scientific. :p
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  11. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    How I use the Bar is since I have it in the metal case I get my fingers wet and rub them on the shampoo bar, then rub that on my scalp. The "Big Shampoo" is liquid. My girlfriend bought me the first bar after the girl at Lush told her that is what her friend used on his dreads. The liquid stuff I got as a free sample. I didn't buy any yet since the bar lasts me nearly a year and I wanted to wait until I used it up.

    Rev J
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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    " Scratch N Sniff "..... Works For Me.....[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
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  13. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    same here! :D

    Same here! :D :p except i didn't spend the money on the case! :p

    Also, I just ACTUALLY bought from Lush itself this last time...i LOVE this free sample! But yeah, stuff lasts forever! It was a free sample for soap. I LOVE this scent! (um..."Respect your Elders" ^^), but the one I bought will probably last a year or more, depending on how I use it. Hmm

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