Ever since I took on this desk job, I've put on quite a bit of weight and I'm out of shape. I say to hell with this body positivity movement that has taken mainstream culture by storm. If you're getting fat like me, you need to be mocked for it. Mocked until you're motivated into a healthier state of wellness. Mock me until I'm thin again
I don't think you need to be mocked... motivated sure if it's something you want/need but we all have things about us that we could do better... it's just humanity... if you want to lose a few pounds for you because it's your goal then push yourself to do it... our mind is our only limit... I'll never mock you, but here is a motivational video about a 101 year old woman named Ida... do the stuff you really don't want to do as early as possible so you don't talk yourself out of it... Video is only a minute and a half... https://youtu.be/ZP4FWwyjfek
fat ass if you were muslim your name would Fadi if you were chinese your name would be Ho Lee Fatzo youre so fat you make your fatass mom look small
For a small fee I will follow you with a tuba. But I would feel bad mocking the mentally challenged. Kidding you can do it Shamen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0aIqx1McVI
pretend you have celiacs disease. after realizing that gluten containing foods caused me major, horrific problems, I cut all gluten containing items from my diet. at my largest I tipped the scale at 293, now I'm down to ~190-200lbns. but why would I or anyone else mock you bout your weight? your political views provide more than enough ammo to mock and ridicule you over.... but in all sincerity, I love and appreciate your participation in this community.
I will not shame you for being fat but I will absolutely shame you for being a lazy office worker. I will do this because my coworkers shame me for walking on my breaks and stretching through the day. They shame me because since I'm thin I shouldnt bother exercising apparently Dummies, why do you think I'm thin in the first place? Idiot lazy coworkers, enjoy your diabetes. Stop being a lazy office worker. Go take a walk, fatty mcfatterson
whatever screw them! if I recall your pics, you are totally smokin' hot in the "girl next door " kinda way, the only type I find attractive, so fuck 'em,, fuck 'em all! If I were 25 years younger.......
even though he did ask to be shamed, if I remember your pics/videos posted a few years ago, you ain't too far from "fatass" yourself.....
Fucking idiots. You already know my stance on shaming someone's body due to that other thread I made. No one should fat or skinny shame. Anyways, serious question... when did you start exercising? I'm at a weight that I feel comfortable with, but I'm not exercising. However, I do have this feeling that by the age of 30... everything will come crashing down... and I will be like seriously big lady-ish. So, at what age did you start exercising? I want to know how much time I have before I have to seriously crack down.
he posted pics/videos? i think he has admitted to being overweight, but i swear i've never seen an actual picture or anything.
i am indeed and it wasnt me whatever youre thinking because id never post pictures or videos of myself here...and never have
you most certainly did in a thread about "how you sound", quick vids of you speaking, the two I remember the most were you and TopNotchStoner. don't remember how long ago it was because I'm getting to be an old fuck, prolly when I was PB. but hey, I was a fattass as well and probably still would be if pasta didn't cause me to vomit and shit blood.