Shambhala Nelson BC

Discussion in 'Canada' started by mtnhighgirl, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. mtnhighgirl

    mtnhighgirl Member

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    Has anyone had a vendor's booth at Shambhala in the past? Was it worth it, make any profit? How was the vendor's area set up? Was the vendor's fee reasonable or too much? Thanks for any advice.
  2. Crystaleyez

    Crystaleyez Member

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    A friend of mine had a booth and they sold out and made lotsa cash. You're sposed ta pay them a percentage of what you make but they only came to collect like once at the beginning of the festival. That was years ago tho, its huge now and prolly changed.
    Oh yeah, the last time I was there I was helping Angela sell stuff out of her tepee of fire toys. I'm not sure how much she made. Its part of the reason I haven't been back. I got back to the area like the day b4 the festie and I was on the the list as a firedancer but I didn't know it so I bought a ticket. Then this girl in the tepee flailed big time and I picked up her slack to help my friends out. No compensation...not even a free ticket, I helped tho and that was good. I got really stoned and lost my friends in the huge sea of people..neway I guess imma bit off track. I'm not sure how much Angela made.

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