Sexually attracted to men

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by Topher1972, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Topher1972

    Topher1972 Members

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    Hi y’all. I’ve only had a few mm experiences and that was long ago. I sometimes exaggerate a bit on here but an being honest now. I’ve sucked cock and had mine sucked by a guy and loved it. I’m married and my wife knows I’m bi and is ok with it but chooses not to have anything to do with the lifestyle. We just don’t talk about it. At least she enjoys pegging me. I love that but so want the real thing. It seems the older I get the stronger the urge gets. Sooner or later I’ll meet the right guy and play again. When using my dildo solo, I imagine it’s a big cock attached to a good looking guy. It seems from being on here that there’s a lot of bi married guys out there. I love and couldn’t live without women but am so into a good looking cock and man ass as well. So, what do y’all think, is being sexually attracted to men while loving pussy that prevalent and normal?
  2. Bicaptain My Captain

    Bicaptain My Captain Members

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    Your feelings are the epitome of bisexuality.
  3. bigredinmass

    bigredinmass Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes we are out there that love both. You are not alone. That said, wish I had a neighbor like you for my bi (or gay) urges. Finding the same is tough.
    DaveTheBiGuy and Topher1972 like this.
  4. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    Yes we are out here and many of us. I love women and what they offer within their entire package of being. I can't say that I love men, but I do certainly love a nice cock. Since my wife and I have found our bisexual couple I must admit I do have more than just sexual feelings for Tom, nothing like I have for my wife but more than just someone for sex. Tom has penetrated both my holes on numerous occasions and planted his seed inside me and each time we're together I feel more intimate passion for him and his cock. My wife knows I love his cock as she does too and she's also noticed that I've become more feminine and submissive when having sex with him. Yes, I guess I do love him...I also love his wife but my wife is at the top of my list, always has and always will be and she knows that.
    DaveTheBiGuy and Marriedbicouple like this.
  5. Topher1972

    Topher1972 Members

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    Wow LowHangers! You are a lucky man and I envy you, lol. You definitely have the best of both worlds. I’ve always said I could never have feelings for a man but you never know. Anything’s possible. I’ve actually imagined it. I prefer women and could never give that up and love my wife but it’d be nice to have s regular male playmate with whom I could have a relationship consisting of more than just sex. I doubt that’ll ever happen so in the meantime, I’ll just settle for some cock and ass, lol.
  6. Topher1972

    Topher1972 Members

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    Yes, finding someone similar and trustworthy of being disease free is difficult. I have a long time friend that just recently divulged to me his mutual love of anal penetration. He enjoys pegging and solo dildo play as I do. He hasn’t denied or confirmed it but he may also be bi or at least open minded and adventurous. I would have sex with him in a heartbeat if he asked. I’ll never initiate that idea though, lol. If he is and it’s meant to happen, the so be it. If not, no worries.
    Uhardrodnme and LowHangers like this.

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