Sexuality and Nudism

Discussion in 'Nudism, Naturism' started by Craig Steven, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. Craig Steven

    Craig Steven Members

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    I want to start a discussion about sexuality and nudism. I am a member of a few nudist sites. Many of the people on these sites claim that there is no relationship between being nude (a Nudist) and sexuality. I am here to tell you that they are wrong.

    I have been a nudist as far back as I can remember. I have always loved being naked and I am whenever possible. I am never naked in front of my family. I have two sets of friends, nudist and textile. Only a few of my textile friends know that I am a nudist.

    That’s the background. Now, in the past 10 years, life has changed for me and I am much more free to be nude and enjoy nudist activities. I have a great bunch of nudist friends who are fantastic, non-judgmental, fun and so on. When we get together, we are nude and it’s always to compliment about what we see. My friend Gail just recently grew back her pubes. I told her how nice it looked.

    Beyond that, we have also watched porn and masturbated as a group. We have never done full swinging, but the girls have messed around bit while the guys watched. It’s simply adult fun. I have nude friends that would never be into anything like this and I can enjoy their company, naked, just as much as any other friends.

    Yes, nudist can be nudists and sex can be part of it because the naked body is sexy and there is nothing wrong with that.
    JH93022, The Shark, Gramps69 and 5 others like this.
  2. Very Fast Car

    Very Fast Car Members

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    We are all sexual beings, regardless of whether we are textiles or nudists. In the last year I have been mostly working from home, and as a result have been naked much more than in previous years. Like all guys I often get horny regardless of whether I am wearing clothes or not, but probably more so being naked often 24 hours a day.
    Gramps69, Nakednudist and Joshua Van like this.
  3. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    I think it's an individual thing. My wife and I have been nudists for ten years and members of a nude resort. We know some that swing and many that don't. We were never approached and never approached anyone sexually with any of our nudist friends. However. We invited a married couple we have known for many years to join us at the resort. It was their first ever experience. They accepted it well and enjoyed it. It never changed my wife or her views of sex. He though made it all about sex. Through time he actually enticed me and got me curious about certain sexual things. Where upon he and I have enjoyed some secret playtime together. I don't think nudity promoted it but it did break the ice maybe.
  4. Craig Steven

    Craig Steven Members

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    Completely agree. Since the kids moved out and I am able to be naked at home nearly all of the time, I have tended to masturbate much more than before. Maybe it's accessibility or convenience, but it does happen more.
    Gramps69, Todd56, Nakednudist and 2 others like this.
  5. Craig Steven

    Craig Steven Members

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    I get it. I have many nudist friends that I would never think of being sexual with, just as I have textile friends like that. On the other hand, there are some of us that enjoy nudity together and some extracurricular activities that can accompany a naked party mixed with a few cocktails. It's all good and always fun. Being a nudist and having nude friends is one of the greatest things that I have experienced in life. Nudists rarely have any secrets from other nudists. Being naked opens up all sorts of topics and breaks down the barriers that keep us from talking about it.

    I never talk about masturbating with my textile friends. I have watched many of my nudists do it in front of me. I have done it in front of them. It is an open topic and part of our lives. Why hide it?

    At home I am naked most of the time. My GF, who lives with me, is naked as well. It is not unusual to walk into a room and find her with her vibrator having a good time. She also sees me in the act. Yes, we have plenty of sex, but sometimes, when you are always naked and it's right there in front of you, you just have to give it some attention.
  6. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We mirror this almost to the letter, accept we are married. We are nudist and sometimes go to family friends campground resorts. We are also members of a adult only campground resort. We prefer the adult only. Respectfully, No one there pressures you to swap, but I would blind if I said adult play doesn’t happen. I am a realist, and the fact is I look at a naked woman body and she looks at mine. It’s up to the individual to think sexual thoughts.
  7. nudony

    nudony Member

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    As Daretobare said: "It's an individual thing."
    Nudism and sexuality are bound to intersect at some point (especially when alcohol is involved) if you're actively involved in social nudism. It's really about what you do about it. Some people embrace it, others ignore it; and then some scream "bloody murder" (usually the nudist purist types.)

    I was at a non-landed club get-together once when I met a pretty "friendly" lady. She was slightly intoxicated, and very flirtatious. She actually made no secret about the fact that she was aroused; and her constant brushing of her nipples against me as we talked were pretty strong evidence she was "trying to tell me something." I was flattered but I felt that doing anything about it would be inappropriate. Nonetheless I hung out with her as she was quite a bit of fun; and when it came time for me to leave, she coyly asked me if she had offended me. I reassured her she hadn't; and when she requested a hug before I departed, I embraced her in a full body hug and a kiss on the cheek.

    My philosophy is that we're all human beings, and we all operate differently when it comes to sexuality. Unless someone is being disrespectful or aggressive, there's no reason to respond with anger or animosity. Just be kind and move on if it's not your thing.
  8. nldn

    nldn Senior Member

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    What is wrong are people who assume that because you are naked, you immediately want or are seeking sex. You can be finding it comfortable to be naked, for example when swimming, but that does not mean you are looking for sex.
    Joshua Van likes this.
  9. Scarecrow13

    Scarecrow13 Members

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    I am with those that say it depends on individuals. Nudism can be about sex, but doesn't have to be.
    RIJACO and JH93022 like this.
  10. Joshua Van

    Joshua Van JoshuaMN

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    I don't think sexuality can be divorced form any part of life. We were born with a instincts we cant always control. We can control our actions but not our bodys natural sexual response. It is easier for women to pretend they aren't affected as it is hard to tell outwardly if they are turned on. But men have a built in lie detector
  11. *pixy*

    *pixy* Member

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    I said this somewhere else before, but anyway: People are sexual beings per se. So you can not divide yourself into a nudist personality and a sexual personality. Of course the percentage of sexual content varies depending on situation, setting and own mood and ambition. For example, vacuum-cleaning my apartment in the nude is not very erotic. On the other hand, nude walking the beach with my bf arm in arm with warming sun and a nice soft breeze can make you go all tingly (actually it would be sad if you wouldn't feel anything, I guess).
  12. Jayandcay

    Jayandcay Wink wink!

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    Anyone that says that there’s no sexuality in being a nudist is most likely lying about being a nudist, in denial, or just simply trying to downplay the experience. It’s OK to look, it’s OK to give a nice comment, but it’s not OK to stare or lurk. Will need a star OK with their body and appreciate the human form, so it’s just natural to enjoy to look at each other.
    Pgbadboy, RIJACO and Joshua Van like this.
  13. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    My wife and I are nudist. We’ve been approached by other nudist many times to adult play. They must have seen something they liked in our body. This doesn’t mean we swapped. What it does mean they enjoyed us as friends first. We openly compliment others to accept their body in what ever shape it’s in.
    We have many friends who have had plastic surgery to improve their body image. My wife and I have.
    It’s amazing how everyone loves to talk about what surgery they had and show you their scars.
    But the best part is people who have scars from war, accidents, or medical. They are empowering in the nude form. The naked body is beautiful.
    RIJACO and Joshua Van like this.
  14. Nakednudist

    Nakednudist Members

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  15. Granite69

    Granite69 Naked Guy Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a great discussion and I think an appropriate place to draw a line between active naturism and nudism. Speaking only for myself, I find myself to be the most sexual when I am at rest regardless of whether I’m clothed or naked. And the least sexual when engaged in vigorous cardiovascular activity ... again whether it be clothed or nude.

    My most frequent expression of naturism/nudism is nude hiking. Blood flow goes to the legs and lungs (not the penis) and I simply never become aroused in such circumstances even if I encounter the hottest man/woman approaching on the trail. To me, that’s the essence of naturism and it is completely divorced from sex.

    Nudism, whether it be at a resort or at home, can be more of a mixed bag. Social nudism is essentially a sedentary activity and the blood is just looking for somewhere to flow. If I’m naked and just chilling poolside and my very attractive wife walks by in her bikini, then well yeah, I’m going to become aroused just as I would if I was wearing knee-length board shorts.

    So yes, sexuality and nudism cannot ever be fully separated since both are human activities with associated crossover from one to the other. But at the same time, in specific circumstances, naturism in the deep woods/mountains couldn’t be any further away from sexuality whereas social nudism around the tiki bar at an all-inclusive resort is an entirely different matter,
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
    Nakednudist and Scarecrow13 like this.
  16. Scarecrow13

    Scarecrow13 Members

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    That's probably a good way to describe it.
  17. Much the same here. Kids have moved out, I'm more nude than I was and masturbation has increased. My own nudity turns me on. So yes for me there's a link.
    bill697cu, Joshua Van and Nakednudist like this.
  18. Steveh

    Steveh Members

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    I think being a nudist helped me along the way to being bisexual
    RIJACO and Joshua Van like this.
  19. passygalore

    passygalore Members

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    In the earlier days of the nudist movement in the US, some overt sex seems to have been tolerated, at least in more remote areas. But today the movement believes it needs to make a choice between nudity without sex and no nudity at all at beaches and other public sites. It's not necessarily about Puritanism in the nudist ranks, but rather cold, political reality.
  20. ConiferLovingCouple

    ConiferLovingCouple Members

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    This is a great thread, I’m sad that we are so late to the party though. We are a mid-40 couple with two children, and are active nudists at home, at a local AANR nudist ranch, and on vacation when possible. For us, we feel more at peace when nude and enjoy bringing up our family in this lifestyle. With that being said, we very much enjoy the social aspects of nudism in group settings, and that includes visually enjoying all body types. My wife is an exhibitionist, and loves flirting with older men. I enjoy watching her, and seeing how the men react to her.

    It is very hard for us to separate sexuality from nudity, with the line being if the kids are with us or not. If they are, then none of us feel all that sexual, but if its just my wife and I nude at home, or nude with others it can be very arousing. When nude in a group setting, I do not hide my erections, and she certainly does not try to hide, or wipe off any excessive wetness (she is completely bare and has plump labias) from her arousal and we’ve never had an issue.
    RIJACO, Eyesropen, JH93022 and 3 others like this.

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