Sexual Advances From Another Girl

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by nz male, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    Girls : If another girl started flirting with you sexually ie: touching your breasts or genital area - what would you do or say ?
  2. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    I'd deck her. I don't consider touching my breasts and genitals to be flirting. Now, if she can flirt properly, using her wit and charm like a normal person, and I think she's beautiful, we might have something. If I'm not attracted to her, I might say some flirty things to her, but nithing physical is going down.
  3. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    My friends grab my boobs all the time. Whatever. It's like our secret handshake.
  4. sadie_hippie

    sadie_hippie Member

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    I have a girlfriend that since we were teenagers always grabbed by breasts. Drove me nuts however it's been so long I don't even react any longer. I asked her recently in a joking way why she can't stop grabbing me and she reached out putting them in her hands squeezing them saying, "they're huge and beautiful." She's just as big as me and I don't grab hers. No she's not gay or bi. Not sure what that's all about. Whatever.
  5. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    That's exactly how my friends are. One of them is really obsessed with them. She'll just stare at them and say "Oh my god. I love your boobs" Then reach out and give them a squeeze. Another friend saw her one day and said she was on her way to my house. She said "Make sure you tell her that I miss her boobs". We have a bunch of pictures of people grabbing my boobs. They're big and apparently that is an open invitation to play. I don't really care though. Whatever. If my boobs can bring joy to the masses then more power to them.
  6. happilyinlove

    happilyinlove with myself :p

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    Thats because you have really big knockers and they enter the room before you do! :D

    I've had straight girls do this to me before before. I'm also straight, so it doesn't make me attracted to them. I'll get a little rush like "oooh!" but that's about it. I have wanted to just squeeze my coworkers boobs a few times. They just hang there, and like they're so round and freaking huge. I've smacked her ass before. I can't really explain why it just looked like it needed to be smacked. She's also straight, and she was ok with it.

    Btw she also has a really big ass. lol
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    you guys are writing some good stuff for nz. I bet he's happy reading this.
  8. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    They totally do enter the room before I do.

    Boob grabs and ass smacks are so normal for my group of girlfriends one of them said "I have to remind myself that I can't do that to the girls at work" hahaha. All of my friends that do that are straight too. The ones that are gay never grab my boobs.

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