Hey everyone! I am a straight 26yo male, and as it turns out every potential lover I happen to bump into is crazy about sexting, while I also have mad fun going at it. Nevertheless, I often find my inspiration gone and repeat myself way too often. Do you guys happen to know of any place where one could find something like a sexting archive or something like that where I could draw some ideas from? Thanks!
Thought the whole Idea was to use your imagination is there a "sexting Handbook " ? Theres not is there ? Please tell me there isnt
You want a copy mate? https://www.bustle.com/articles/131300-50-example-sexting-ideas-you-can-use-right-now
. . . when you say "I often find my inspiration gone" Are you saying that you lose interest? - or - The fantasy in your head fades? - or - You have gone soft . . . ?
Naah, nothing like that. I just find myself being a bit too repetitive between sessions, as I fear I might get too predictable.
You have no Imagination ? Your not gonna get this stuff out of a Book mate or some random People on the internet ! Its got to be you,your words , your thoughts , your drive nobody can teach you these things Thats my opinion anyway Right or wrong
Man, maybe you have a more conservative approach and dont mind going down the same route all over again. Me I am explorative and like to improve myself and what I do, I did find a way to regarding this, not on this thread though. Thanks for the tunes.