Sexless marriage

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by sureño, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. sureño

    sureño Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    For the past few years I feared that my marriage might end up in sexless.
    My wife was never too adventurous in that field, and after menopause and some health problems her sexdrive was in decline.
    I incurred some infidelities in order to fulfill some fantasies that with her was impossible. Until one day sexless came. But not as I feared, but in the least thought-out way: from me.
    As a result of low flow in nocturnal urine, I consulted the urologist. The PA gave me worrying indices so I was ordered a biopsy. In short, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I had 20 sessions of rays and hormone-blocking injections. That was more than a year ago and my sexdrive was falling until now I don't even get erections.
    This sounds like karma to me.
    So, it turns out that the biggest flaw I found in my wife, her low sexdrive, is now a relief for me. It would be terrible to be in my situation and have a wife who asked for sex.
  2. Denises

    Denises Members

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    Well I've found a surprising number of men have trouble having an orgasm for varying reasons. But for the most part, it is a mental condition. It sounds like your mental condition materialized into a physical condition. Still since your mind brought about this condition, it's only logical that your mind can also reverse it. And yes karma plays a major role in this condition.
  3. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    The OP's not talking about being unable to orgasm. It's that he has lost his libido and erection ability. Prostate cancer does not come from a mental issue. It's the number one cancer in men. Happy men or sad men. Promiscuous men, men with low libidos, even men with large members and boatloads of pussy to fuck, and men who are quite sane. All are susceptible to having prostate cancer. Also, having an affair or two doesn't promote it either. There is no mind game that can reverse prostate cancer so please don't hype up such an odious notion. Karma? Not!!!

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