I was with this guy for a couple of months. I dumped him three years ago, he was a pathological liar. Right now I’m single and craving sex. My ex was really good in bed. I only miss that part of our relationship. I feel the urge to call him to have sex. I don’t have feelings for him and been over him for a while. But I want to have sex and don’t feel comfortable with a random stranger. Should I call him?
I've been there. Honestly, I go for the sex. I make sure he knows I just want some dick and nothing else. What guy is going to turn down a no strings attached fuck?
I agree with NudistGal. But who knows what he's been doing for years, I'd say go for it but make sure protection is used. And if he even hints at a kiss or trying something to get back with you, walk out and never give him the chance again.