Sex/ Masterbation need advice (male)

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by me2655, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. me2655

    me2655 Guest

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    Ive been doing it since I was little. Have more then 10 years doing it. I'm 19 now and it and still doing it(msterbating). Every morning I wake up feeling all sexual (horny) lol and I get so urge to do it. (msterbate) I like doing it cause how it feels but then I feel weird after for a while Then the next morning comes and the feeling comes back again and I feel like doing it again. I never have had sex, Ive been with 2 partners only during my HS years, but never had sex during my time with them only small stuff. I haven't had a partner ever since then so more then 1 and a half year ago, so I'm definitely not having sex and all that. Is all that normal? or do I need to stop doing it? I have tried but its hard lol. The longest I have went without doing it- is 2 weeks. Also If I sex for the first time would all those feeling to msterbate go away or am still going to feel hrny and all that.
  2. Cutted

    Cutted Cutted

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    No need to worry. At age 19 you are at the peak of your sexual urges, and the natural outlet, if you are not having intercourse, is masturbation. Everyone does it; those who say they are not are lying, and it is actually good for your health, mental and physical, relieving stress and getting rid of the buildup of sperm in your testicles. It also teaches you how to recognize when you are coming close to orgasm, and how to control it. 19 is not too old to still be a virgin. It will happen, believe me. I was not much younger than you when I had my first intercourse, and I have put my penis into a vagina over 10,000 times since then. Masturbation is great, but there is nothing better than putting your penis into a warm, wet vagina
  3. me2655

    me2655 Guest

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    Thanks for the reply. I hope it happens already lol the sex part. I really want to try it already. I don't go out much maybe thats why I still am.
  4. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    This has all the signals of a fake post to me, but even if it is, it does raise issues which may be experienced by others who are genuinely in the same situation.

    First of all, once your hormones have reached the age of Sexual Maturity (when you first reach the age at which you generate sperm & become physically capable of becoming a father) they are likely to peak at about age 19, but are unlikely to ever die away, regardless of age. It's not even uncommon for men to continue masturbating into their 90s.

    As for losing virginity is concerned, much of your desire to do so is likely to to be instigated by peer pressure, with them going on about how many times they've had sex, whereas in reality the chances are that they're in exactly the same situation as you & are virgins themselves.

    Don't feel that you have to force yourself into losing your virginity just for the sake of it. Get to know more about the theory behind how best to please a woman first, as this will have a boomerang effect. The more a woman is enjoying sex, the more you'll get out of it.

    I didn't lose my virginity until I was 23, and even then it wasn't by choice. A nymphomaniac woman, twice my age, took it on herself to molest me. Although resisted her advances at first (seriously) eventually I couldn't resist it any more & my animal instinct kicked in. There was no finesse at all - just a matter of shove it in, pump it for a while, climax, pull it out & wipe it. At first I thought that's all there was to it, but she gave me the confidence to repeat the experience with others, only on each subsequent time I learned a bit more about technique. I only wish I had been able to take a few theory lessons first. However, there was no internet back then. Everything I knew was mainly from word of mouth - and even then from those who were no more experienced than me.

    In general you will find that the typical age for a ale to lose his virginity isn't until his mid 20s anyway, so you've got plenty of time yet. Besides, there's no shame in virginity - plus that state of innocence can be attractive to a woman (especially the more mature ones, as I found out to my own advantage).
  5. me2655

    me2655 Guest

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    This is not a fake post it's real and I'm not feeling pressure. I just really want to try it already, but if I have to wait I'll wait. Also interesting story and it must have been hard to find advice back in your days with no Internet. Thanks for responding to my questions I will keep all that in mind. If by get to know the theory behind you mean learn more about sex before I do it, Ive seen a lot of porn lol. I think I won't be lost doing it my first time :).
  6. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    Your a guy, you masturbate, that is what guys do.
  7. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    I don't quite understand your first question. What exactly do you want to know as "normal"? Wanting to masturbate and feeling strange afterward when you're a virgin? In that case, sure it's normal. Of course, you don't have to feel all weird after masturbating at all since masturbation is a perfectly healthy activity. Unless you mean weird in a physical way. If so, depending on what kind of sensations you're experiencing, you should go to the doctor and determine what's going on.

    NOW, there's something I've noticed in your last post and I MUST express my concern over it:

    Porn is NOT, and I repeat, NOT a good source of sexual information. You should NOT rely on porn to get educated on sex. Porn is often VERY FAKE, scripted, acted, and edited. What you should do is to read various medical documents on the human sexuality, various instructional books, watch educational videos, documentaries on sex and related subjects, and really the most important thing above all is to communicate well with YOUR OWN PARTNER. The communication part is VERY important because EACH girl is DIFFERENT. That's number one, and number two; it builds and nurtures the emotional connection, trust, bond between the two of you. This emotional aspect really makes a big difference in making your first time experience that much more satisfying not just for you, but for BOTH of you.

    Advice from a fellow virgin(and an old one at that! lol) ;)
  8. me2655

    me2655 Guest

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    What I mean by weird after I do it in my room I just walk out my room like nothing has happen and my parents are in the living room sometimes. It just makes me wonder if they know I masturbate. Therefore I feel weird for moment lol. Thanks for your concern on my porn watching stuff. I don't rely on that really and I don't watch porn like crazy as in hours and hours watching. Its just like 5 min and I'm done.
  9. Alec Phoenix

    Alec Phoenix Guest

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    Yeah no need to worry dude. It's normal. If anything I can advise you to make the best of it as training for when sex comes into your life. Don't rush it...try to make each session last 15-20 minutes, stopping and starting if you need to, and it will help prepare you to be able to last long enough in bed to not disappoint. If you go at it as quick as you can, then when you get to sex there is the chance it will be over too soon. Classic advice for making sure you don't accidentally turn yourself into a 2 minute man:)

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