so here’s my issue. I have an extremely high sex drive and my gf (also baby mama) has a pretty low drive. I’m always the one to initiate and do 100% of the work. She does enjoy the sex but she isn’t like wild and fun like other experiences I’ve had. Any advice?
I think that as we grow older we become complacent to these sorts of things, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. But for the sake of amusement, I will try to remember back to when I would have given half a crap what her sex drive was doing. However, let me say this. I would leave well enough alone. You're clearly getting more than most just by simply having a girlfriend at all. now then... If I were you in this situation I would definitely bring it up with her. Tell her that it hurts your feelings that she doesn't want you as much as you want her. I've actually been in a situation like this. I was asking my girlfriend way back when why she didn't seem interested in my penis!
The fact tat the male is ready to 'go' within a few seconds and the female requires quite a lot of stimulation is a simple fact of how the entire mammal population of the planet reproduce. Sorry that you have to do all the work, but you must admit that it is worth the effort in the long run. For further tips and advice, try watching a few David Attenborough films.
I'm not sure what else you can do besides talk to her about it, tell her how you feel, that you're attracted to her and do your best to create romantic situations. As unromantic as it sounds,maybe you guys need to specifically plan out some time and enjoy the build up to it
Baby mama is probably burned out from chasing a kid around all day and not sleeping at night - sex and your feelings are probably not the number one thing on her mind. Welcome to the rest of your life. All I can say is to keep trying. Talk to her. Sometimes sex needs to be planned - I say premeditated....or it doesn't happen. Yeah, it might sound lame and not spontaneous, but you need date night and plan on it. We do this, we go here, we have fun, then we come home, pay the sitter, have a bottle of wine and have sex enough for the both of you.