Hi, Ovulation is nature's way to get us to reproduce and many women experience an increase in sexual desire during that time. When you, a lesbian or a lady who prefers ladies, ovulate does your sexual desire stay fixed on ladies (your preferred gender) or do you have sexual desire for men (whether you act on it or not)? When you are ovulating do your sexual fantasies include women or men? A bit about me: I consider myself bisexual. I tend to get aroused more often by pictures of women than men. So, I am to some degree bisexual. I tend to have low sex drive but noticed that I have high sex drive during times that I may be ovulating and it is mostly directed at men. I don't desire sex with either gender much at other points of my cycle. I didn't know if I prefer men at those times because I am ovulating and if sexual desire is highly correlated to sexual orientation. That's why I am curious how lesbians experience ovulation. I appreciate your replies.
yep, when I'm laying eggs, I am that much aware of myself s a sexual being. However reproduction per se is not a factor - I maintain my sexual gender preference.
I'm a lesbian, and no, during that time of month, I'm really horny, but the desire is definitely towards women.
im lesbian and horny always and i dont kno when im ovulating cuz my cycle is irregular but during my period i masterbate alot becuz it makes ur period shorter...not sure id.let a girl go down during tho id let her finger me and i am always horny for women never men so....there u go.
I am technically bisexual (though I consider myself to be heterosexual really), in the few days before ovulating through to about 5 days after I was really horny, the gender of my partner at the time had no bearing on my desire. Can I add that now I am 57 and on HRT I still get a horny spike around mid-cycle.
My sex drive does tend to spike right around mid-cycle, and I'm already RAVENOUS to begin with. It's like there's a tiger in my veins! I notice a heightened interest in interacting with people (although not in a sexual way), and I also notice that my already-insatiable desire for my (female) partner becomes intensely amplified.
I have a really high sex drive, but I do notice that I am more often horny at a certain time of the month. I did consider myself bisexual when I first came out, but since being with women, I only have sexual attraction to women.