I tend to only have these around my period, which I'm starting to think they are mainly hormonal. I have a few friends who have sex dreams, but they are pregnant, and they say they're vivid and sometimes they O in their sleep. I've never orgasmed in my sleep, but I will wake up wanting sex with hubby, depending on the dream. Anyone have dreams that are sexual? Sadly, sometimes when I have sex dreams, they run the same theme as my regular non-sex dreams...I'm with my husband or even alone, and looking for a place to have sex/masturbate. Someone always walks in, or walks by and we/I can't finish. I can't say it's not a hot dream, there's something about having to wait that I like. I posted this in the dreams section, but wasn't sure if it should be in the love/sex section.
Oh yes, sex dreams can seem pretty real...but I never finish I always wake first. Dammit. Sucks when you have them and you have a frigid bed partner. Should be a jail sentence attached to that, called Carnal Frigidity.
I've never had a full-on sex dream. But sometimes I dream of making out with someone, fully clothed, lying on top of each other. But I can't recall ever having actual sex in a dream. But, then again, it's vary rare that I remember my dreams at all.
I have them pretty frequently- but I never get the best part in the dream -_- Usually end up waking before it happens, or the dream changes for some reason.
In a weird way, that can be hot. My dreams always end before anything actually happens, so waiting can be hot. Fully clothed is something I dream about, too. Really, you rarely remember your dreams? I wish I couldn't. Same. Interesting! I don't think I've ever had one during a nap. lol hahaha!
I also have sex dreams and it’s usually when I’m ovulating. I usually orgasm in my dreams or wake up during the orgasm, it’s so awesome!
If next time in my dreams I am running around looking for my pants and I find a hot girl instead, I will blame you in the morning.!!!!!! I need to be careful posting on threads like this in the future. I got 'told off' yesterday for not posting a "posh nosh" comment. LOL.
I have sex dreams once in a while, but I also never make it until the end ;-). Most of them are pretty vanilla but I did have a sex dream with Sarah Silverman once!
I keep having UFO abduction dreams, or lack thereof abduction dreams because I'm so badass the aliens never catch me.
A few nights ago I dreamt I was kissing Holland Taylor while rubbing her clit. It was weird because she is old enough to be my mother, and I can't recall the last time I thought of her. Sure, she's incredibly hot for an older woman, and she's a cougar, but she's not all that "on my radar."
I've had dreams where I'm doing things that I'd never consider doing when I'm awake. Not often, but every now and then, I'll have dreams where I'm sort of a liberated whore.
Next time your dreams bring you to the UK, be sure to tell me in advance. All we will need is a sleeping camera man and we could win a Oscar for BEST COMEDY.
It would be funny, lol I'll know that is where the dream is taking place if a man shows up wearing black leather shorts?
It would be great to meet you if the dream could take me back about 30 years to the days when I last wore those shorts.. LMAO.