Sex addiction

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by Runner woman, May 11, 2020.

  1. Runner woman

    Runner woman Banned

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    Is this a real thing? Or just a moral thing? What if you just enjoy sharing the sexual experience with friends? I can’t imagine being happy with just one partner and sex with a new person for the first time is about as exciting as it gets for me.
    What do you folks think?
    Deejay88, bill697cu, zorro69 and 4 others like this.
  2. Curiouscouple2469

    Curiouscouple2469 Members

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    I agree, there is nothing more exhilarating than the moments spent getting to know someone intimately and exploring what gets you both off. Not sure if that's an addiction or just a craving for the rush and excitement one feels when you are exploring new ground together. It's the ultimate high really. Also why I like to tease it out for as long as possible sometimes, just because you know there is no going back to that moment with someone.
    If that was to become completely uncontrollable to a fault - I guess that is when it would be considered an addiction in my books.
    I know it's taken me places in past that you look back and think "maybe I shouldn't have done that" but regrets, I will examine those my next life, today is about enjoying what we have. Be safe, be caring, and explore opportunities as they are presented.
  3. cindy94

    cindy94 Member

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    I've heard that sex addiction is real, and that it's not. I don't have a clue lol
  4. erofant

    erofant Members

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    I think it can be addicting for some people. If it's an escape that relieves stress from everyday life, or you're an insatiable person sexually and you crave sex all the time, or if it becomes a substitute for something that's lacking in one's life - like love, or you're lonely - then I suppose it could become an addiction.

    What's the line in the Atlanta Rhythm Section song, - "Imaginary lovers, never turn you down …." ------- Those porn ladies (or guys) are always ready and willing, so we keep coming back ……..
    I think if someone NEEDS something in their life that they're lacking, then maybe sex can fill that need or empty space. And if sex makes the person feel better not just physically - but emotionally as well - then sex addiction may become more likely.
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
  5. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    Being addicted to sex is as much an addiction as being addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, or any other vice that controls the human urges and desires. It is a compulsive participation in sexual activity despite negative consequences. It is real even though it's existence as an addiction is not recognized by major psychiatric associations and the World Health Organization although arguments by professionals to include sex as an addiction is gaining momentum. Enjoying sexual experiences with friends is not being addicted as there may not be any negative consequences surrounding it. Even sex with multiple or new partners would not be considered as an addiction as long as the participant isn't drawn into it by compulsive behavior. Wanting to have sex with a new partner each time is more of a fetish than an addiction. For it to become addictive one must act on the desires compulsively without regard to the ramifications of their actions. Sex addicts form little or no attachment to their sexual partners. The pursuit of sex becomes more important than family, career, and even personal health and safety. Things like seeking sex while disregarding family gatherings, constantly visiting prostitutes, or watching pornography constantly are a path towards sex addiction. There are online tests designed to identify if one has any tendencies towards sex addiction. Seek a few out and see if you may have an addiction towards sex.
    Sexwise and Curiouscouple2469 like this.
  6. Littleshygirl

    Littleshygirl Members

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    Good answer but one thing not included and not very well known is that afterwards usually follows feelings of regret, depression and humiliation.
  7. Runner woman

    Runner woman Banned

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    Jeez. Nice post. Thanks so much. I always have porn on... I masturbate several times a day too. I had some really I discriminate sex recently and I’m struggling with self control .
    Maybe I’ll talk to somebody. Idk.
    Bicaptain My Captain, zorro69 and BPC like this.
  8. Runner woman

    Runner woman Banned

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    Thankfully I don’t experience regret or guilt. I truly enjoy the sex.
  9. Littleshygirl

    Littleshygirl Members

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    Your probably all good then
    zorro69 and el demente like this.
  10. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    Yes, many do have feeling of regret after having sex but not all. Some are depressed and humiliate themselves also but, again, not all respond to their addiction this way. There are those who just can't get enough. Once they complete the cycle having finished their refractory phase they are elated from the sex they just encountered. So much so planning to do it again begins immediately.
    Bicaptain My Captain and zorro69 like this.
  11. Littleshygirl

    Littleshygirl Members

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    True. I dont pretend to know all of it just a little bit
  12. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    I don't what defines sex addiction. As a man I never masturbated, after my early teens. But I was sexually active. I have talked to a couple of women who told me they masturbated 2 or 3 times a day, while in high school. I thought that was a lot, when some girls won't even admit they do it. And maybe they didn't. I know women who, would like to have sex with more men, but they would be called sluts. men don't have to worry about that.
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  13. Angela36

    Angela36 Members

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    It's as real as alcohol addiction, and just as dangerous. It can make you take risks you would otherwise avoid. Causes bad decision making.
  14. Runner woman

    Runner woman Banned

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    That’s how I am. Sometimes I schedule men like I’m a doctor. It’s been really frustrating since Covid .
  15. Angela36

    Angela36 Members

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    LOL. Now that's funny!

    Depends on the situation. Again if it's a situation that I would not have normally entertained, then feelings of regret are definitely there. But usually it's just lots of casual, boring sex with a sexy guy, and no regrets there.

    Not sure you have an addiction then, but rather just an extremely high sex drive. Nothing wrong with that.
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  16. Runner woman

    Runner woman Banned

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    I’ve only felt guilty once, with an older guy. He handed me a hundred dollar bill after. I didn’t like that at all.
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  17. Angela36

    Angela36 Members

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    I completely understand that! I wouldn't take it. Yikes. Sorry.................
  18. Littleshygirl

    Littleshygirl Members

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    I have to admit I know the guilt and depression afterwards.
    Angela36 likes this.
  19. Runner woman

    Runner woman Banned

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    I totally took it !! Lol
  20. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    And THAT, my dear, is how a lot of young folks got started in the life. A bill here and there, someone offers to set you up with an apartment, someone brings or arranges for you to meet a "friend", more of these "friends" or "contacts" drop a few bills here and there....pretty easy to get sucked into all that...

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