Serious question for ladies

Discussion in 'Ask a Woman' started by oldguynurse, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. oldguynurse

    oldguynurse Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    How do you pee? No seriously. Technique, etc.

    My wife and I were talking about this recently. I've lived with several ladies in the past and know there are different techniques that are used.

    1) Some just sit, pee through the labia and vulva, drip, do a quick wipe of the vulva, and go on.

    2) But some reach down, with two fingers spread the vulva apart, and pee straight out the urethra, so no wiping needed.

    3) On camping trips it's usually squat, pull panties to the side and method #1 but without the wipe.

    A strange question maybe, but as a husband, retired Nurse and experienced male, opinions?
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
  2. NookaTheNook

    NookaTheNook Members

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    Don’t think many woman will respond, after all how do they know what you will be doing over their comments.
  3. oldguynurse

    oldguynurse Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I just now edited the wording to be more technically oriented, as I'd intended it to be. The last line especially. Better now?
    Joe90 likes this.
  4. oldguynurse

    oldguynurse Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    True. Even though my wife and I are both nurses, and such matters are of 'no-special-meaning', considering the things we've done for and with human beings over the years, it probably is over-the-line for average folks.

    My, 'oops' I suppose.
    Joe90 likes this.
  5. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    Hmm I never even heard of method 2

    I never think about the way I pee ..I just pee pee

    well you can wipe or bidget ..water with dryer method

    wiping well I sometimes make a glove with TP just to be waist full Waste full
    Whirlwind83 likes this.
  6. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    I once had to pee in a tiny dixie cup and managed to do it without spilling
    Whirlwind83 and Joe90 like this.
  7. OnceAgain

    OnceAgain Members

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    My wife appreciated using a "trough" when camping.
  8. Alice in SC

    Alice in SC Senior Member

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    I never gave it any thought! Squat P and Go!
    Whirlwind83 and Joe90 like this.
  9. Bazz888

    Bazz888 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Every girl/woman I have seen peeing - and there's been about 12-15, all follow #1. However, they wipe with a wet wipe or similar or moistened lavatory paper. The two whom I actually asked about it (wife and long-term GF) said it was to reduce the possibly of a urinary infection. Long time ago and before I had heard of such a thing but, now, I understand that women are much more susceptible to them, than men, due to their biological design.
    Joe90 likes this.
  10. nagwink

    nagwink Visitor

    I just pee too. I dont think about how to do it.

    Whirlwind83 and Coachdb18 like this.
  11. Coachdb18

    Coachdb18 Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    Got a Masters degree in estuarine ecology. OK, water quality studies in rivers going to the ocean. So lots of time out on the water, often far from land, and almost always far from any toilets, and often drinking beer and out in the hot sun for hours. One of our group in the program was female, and while the guys just took care of business by going to the bow of the boat and peeing over the side, this presented more of a problem, or at least could have, for her. But she figured out how to pee 'standing up', and did. Granted, she had to strip a little more (shorts/swim suit) pulled down to the knees, but she managed to do it without making a mess of herself.
    Joe90 and 6Sailor9 like this.
  12. oldguynurse

    oldguynurse Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Trying to visualize that.
    Joe90 and 6Sailor9 like this.

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