Hello everyone, this is my first post here, i am male and i want to share my story and find solution because i love my girlfriend very much and she loves me too so we don't want to lose each other. So i met my girlfriend on a website and we were just hanging out and having fun, but soon we realized that we were having amazing time and soon fell in love on the internet. I never thought this would happen to me because i thought internet relationships were silly, but with her i felt like i found my soulmate and she feels the same way. I was planning to move to UK before we met, so i moved next city to her so we would be together, because her religion is strict and wouldn't even allow her boyfriend from another religion, but she doesn't believe anyway but we keep our relationship hidden from her parents. So we met and fell in love for real and we make each other happy. It is only hard for me to hangout with her friends especially in bars because everyone is talking and music is loud so i don't understand much because Im from other country and adapting and i seem like a weirdo with a drink standing doing nothing and we talked about it we will try to go alone to clubs so i will feel more comfortable. ( I am saying these stuff because maybe any of these stuff might have impact too ) Our only real problem so far is sex. It is both our first relationship ever so we actually don't know what we are doing. Sex is not how, she is in pain a lot (we will buy lube) and she doesn't enjoy penetration much she says she doesn't feel much. I am big and after a while it starts hurting her, so after 3-4 times the pain comes she stops being wet so we stop having sex. We have a lot foreplay and we always have sex when she is wet and also oral sex but she still doesn't feel much from it by me and Im sure i need to become better on that too but in time will be. I just want to make her feel nice in bed and orgasm by either oral or penetration but so far i think we are too comfortable on sex because we know everything about each other so we take sex not seriously and we just being silly so it isn't hot. I don't have any problems in general i can last long and we are always open in things saying what we like and how we like. But she has never came by either sex or oral and i feel sad about it. I know we love each other very much but maybe it is a sign that we aren't compatible? I feel she is my everything and she too, but she is at uni now and all confused by everything so sometime she even doubts the relationship but she loves me very much and its understandable because of her confusion and young age. I always live her to do anything and don't restrict her. The only restriction i have is not drink that much but this is for her own good anyway even if we weren't together because people can take advantage of her. Another that came up was that she asked me if she could dance with other guys and i said ok because i dance with girls too. But next day she danced with a guy and he grabbed her bottom and she felt bad about it. Guys hit a lot on her and she likes the attention but she doesn't want to do anything because we love each other. After that incident i realized that stranger girls can dance with guys but guys can't because they only think about sex eventually we agreed i wouldn't dance with girls and she wouldn't with guys. I wanted to be analytical because sex problems might hide in other problems too. I just want her to enjoy sex more because she loves masturbating and i feel bad i can't provide her with the same feeling. Please help we are both really confused. Sex is our only problem and we love each other more than everything, but i still worry that a dude in a bar will manipulate her feelings (because i have great knowledge about these stuff and how to manipulate girls feelings but i never and would never do that to her because i want a real relationship. I could easily make her go crazy on me with mind games but i will never play with her feelings) and she is friendly with guys so anyone could trick her and i worry about that too. Help me!