September Stop War activities in Leeds

Discussion in 'UK Parties and Protests' started by Claire, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. Claire

    Claire Senior Member

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    Leeds Public Meeting for Peace and in defence of Civil Liberties

    8:30pm, Friday 9th September, Building Blocks, off Tempest Road, Beeston, Leeds

    Sepakers: Peter Brierly (Military Families Against War), Ghada razuki ( Stop the War Coaltiion), speaker from Leeds Stop the War, Usma Ahmad (wife of terror suspect Barbar Ahmad)

    Leeds Stop the War march

    Assemble at 12noon out sideLeads City Art Gallery, Headrow, Saturday 10th September

    Speakers to include Salma Yaqoob (National
    Executive member of Stop the War & Respect) & Jeremy Corbyn (Labour
    MP & Anti War protester)
  2. People-Are-Strange

    People-Are-Strange Member

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    Ide love to go and ill try, its just with work being total arseholes theyll proberbly make me work that saturday if i tell em why i want the day off...
  3. Claire

    Claire Senior Member

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    Just to remind everyone about the South Leeds Stop the War meeting in Beeston this Friday 9th at 7.30. Speakers include David Shayler (ex MI5), Uzma Ahmad (wife of Babar Ahmad, Peter Brierley (military families against the war), Ghada Razuki from Stop the War. The meeting is taking place at Building Blocks (next door to the Hamara Centre) on Tempest Rd.

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