My wife loves to get a massage, so I give her massages as often as I can. I asked her about getting another man to help me, has anyone ever offered this to their wife? If so how would I find someone to help me? Thanks.
Having another man to help you with anything sexual towards your wife would be a turn-on for you both. If it were for massage only then so be it, however, massage can be very erotic and multiple Oily Hands can easily lead to other pleasures to your wife's nude body so I hope you can cope with that possibility. As to where to find the extra male I can't offer assistance but there are numerous media content of people seeking others. You could also ask a friend of you both but that does come with the possibility of disclosure. I wish you luck.
Try an Asian Massage Parlor that caters to couples. There are parlors that will do a couples massage with a female for the husband and a male for the wife. Things can get quite erotic as the massage proceeds.
We love couples massages. Only my fwb as my fb and wife are not into it. If it is right male for her, she will coo as the massage is ongoing and generally the females will stroke me as the male will massage her breasts and squeeze her buttocks which makes her wet. She will gently conveniently rub his pants and if he moves closer to her face she will pull out his cock and suck it. A few times he has fucked her while the female either leaves or will blow me.