Hi ArtyB, I see where you can start a conversation with someone, but don't see how you can add a photo ? I would like to know how to do that as well. Maybe someone will jump in and help
i would assume that it's the same as posting a photo in a thread; either with the image tags/button or with an attachment. does this member want a picture of your junk though?
You need to find an image hosting site, like imgur or something, and then post using that. That's how I post pics in threads, so can't see why it would be different for sending someone a post in a pm.
LOL. A similar thing happened to Jane a few years ago and before she agreed to send him a picture of her "pussy", she sent him dozens of messages, making him promise not to share it and asking him to do all sorts of stupid things. It went on for a couple of days and dozens of messages before she finally gave in. He ended up with a picture of our cat asleep on the bed and a final message, "stroke me very gently, or I will claw your junk to shreds". The guy immediately blocked her from his account, she was so upset. LMAO
This thread is giving me a laugh. Proves the point about use of language and how we rely on context to get our meaning across.
That’s awesome @wilsjane i once sent a guy a couple pictures in my bra and panties, and he asked to see my pussy, so I took a picture still in my bra and panties, but with a stuffed cat between my legs. He thought it was funny though.
As for posting images. You can upload to an album on HF and choose who can access it. But if it offends the admin it will be removed so better to link to site that is fond of "poultry ".
In the UK, when someone tells you to be careful where you put your butt, it simply means not to burn the house down with your cigarette. In other countries, it seems to have a somewhat different meaning.