I have patent , a prototype , costs for moving it thru patent process and the proto type - also a program of study to provide est. costs for production , how many units could be sold 1st thru 10 yrs of being on the market invested , no debt on idea ,etc. .....been thru " Shark Tank " audition. No UPC. I've invested $9,000.00 so far trying to get this product in store. It is a $4 to $7 retail item **for kitchen organization**. The amount to produce is from <$1 to $1.63 depending on material used. Does anyone have experience in moving an idea or product forward to the shelves ? I've been going at this thinking some company would just see it and say YES , WE WILL TAKE IT FROM HERE AND YOU WILL JUST COLLECT $$$. . LOL... doesn't work like that. Is selling the patent an option and how do I sell it and for how much..???? *********Looking for some solid advise****** I will gladly give more detail
i think more likely some company will see it and say "yes, we will take it from here and you should totally open your back door for that guy in all black with the gun in his hand."
Shelf space is bought in the case of grocery stores, sort of a legal form of Mafia that can charge whatever they want, while franchises would have less value if they didn't stomp on the mom and pop stores. The most prolific inventor of modern times spent most of his time in court suing companies for infringing on his patents. Apple even once tried to patent the rectangular shape of a cellphone, and to these bastards its all about who owns the copyrights to justice. Hell, the state of Virginia once with held their own state retirement fund for over twenty years, waiting for half of them to die, while offering the rest a chance to settle out of court for half of what they were owed. Its that kind of integrity, from a state like Virginia, that didn't even need the money, that is the backbone of the American economy today. Neo-Nazis offer the best tax breaks and bring out the best in the American people. Virginia is also famous for exporting more handguns to NYC than any other state.
They tend to be little better than a bank at ripping people off, similar to the lawyers who offer people half of what their lottery tickets are worth. Whenever you start talking about something worth several thousand dollars, legalized white collar crime tends to cover the landscape.
There's your problem... In modern manufacturing it would have to cost 25 cents to make and sell for $35.00... CEO needs a new Bentley every year to impress his golfing buddies.
97% of patented inventions never make money. It's a rather grim statistic. One of the things that you have to be careful about is that there are plenty of people who will sell you business services regardless of the potential of your invention to make money. No one really has an incentive to tell you if it's going nowhere. There are some books out there on the process of trying to sell or market an idea. Depending on what country you are in, there are some organizations out there, like SBA that help you with the process of making a business plan. Yes, selling it is an option. The ideal thing is to get a percentage of the profits from whoever markets it.